Why your company needs workflow automation

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Businesses need flexibility to adapt and modify their processes and practices to stay competitive. The fast pace of modernization and the rise of customer expectations are driving organizations towards transformation in order to achieve excellence. Choosing the right solution for this will provide easy access to information and measurable results that will give your business the edge to stay ahead in the highly competitive current market. Workflow automation uses technology to automate the flow of data in business processes and replaces manual work with rule-based logic.

Workflow automation can increase efficiency

Workflow automation brings many advantages to businesses. It enables more effective ways of working and improves employee engagement, process efficiency and collaboration. The automation makes operations more efficient, flexible and visible by ensuring that every step has been specifically defined, monitored and optimized for maximum efficiency.
Almost every part of a successful business relies on information being available for the right people at the right time. However, information flow is frequently hindered by manual business processes that are inefficient, and rigid.
Manual paper‐based processes aren’t fast and efficient enough for the modern digital workplace. They often delay operations because paper documents go from desk to desk or from office to office for the necessary approvals. After they have been approved, someone else must collect and upload the data. It is a time‐consuming process that’s prone to errors because is quite easy to miss data or enter wrong information.

How to build an efficient automated workflow

Choose the right software

You should consider how easy the platform or software is to implement it and use it. Does it allow for drag-and-drop design of forms and workflows, or is there coding involved? A workflow automation system should allow people to work with it in an easy and fast way. Therefore, it must have a friendly interface, adaptability and easy accessibility for users.
You should check our article for the best mobile forms automation softwares in 2021 to choose what’s best for your company’s needs.

Identify your resources

Before creating a workflow for a specific process, learn about the problems your organization is currently facing, find out what you expect from workflow automation, and verify if you have the resources to achieve those goals.

Set out a list with the tasks that need to be accomplished

It is fundamental to understand the task structure and the data exchanged in tasks before you design a workflow. Once you find out the task’s structure, you need to determine who will be a part of the workflow. List out all the specific responsibilities and the information and resources required to accomplish the goals. Based on that analysis, create specific roles and establish accountability for each task.

Design workflow diagrams to visualize the process

By creating a workflow diagram, you can easily see the whole process. A workflow diagram is a visual representation of a business process and it can be useful to understand all the steps needed to complete a task. Ideally, this visualization should include the individuals responsible for each step.

Test your workflow

How will you know if the workflow you’ve created will work as you expect? A simple test will allow you to troubleshoot your workflow and make sure that every step and output works as you hope. This last part should involve all the people who will take part of the workflow so they will help you to find out issues and to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Gathering their feedback and using the data to modify and improve your automated workflow will speed up and optimize the process.
Workflow automation is the right step towards growth and success. Every company should embrace the use of digital management softwares and technology, it can increase the rate of achievement and improve productivity by reducing time, effort and resources dedicated to each task.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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