How solar energy is transforming the industry: Learn the benefits and best practices

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Solar power panels are rapidly becoming mainstream alternative energy sources in the world. Many business owners might think that is not affordable for small or medium-sized business but that is not true. In recent years, solar panels have dropped their price and now provides benefits for organizations like yours. Among the advantages are its accessibility to most homeowners and its increasing affordability. The cost of purchase and installation continues to fall, and there are new contracts in the marketplace, as providers offer lease-to-buy options while still offering energy below the prices offered by conventional utilities. 

Here, we have listed few advantages that industrial companies can get by going for a solar PV installation.

Reduced electricity bills

Electricity expenses are always increasing. Usually, the electricity bill for a warehouse represents around 15% of the total cost. The tariff rates for solar power are cheaper by about 20% than conventional electricity. Solar power has become a sustainable and cost-effective energy alternative for business owners with a fixed-cost solution, with a lifespan of 25-30 years. This makes your energy bills more predictable at lower costs. Also, maintenance and monitoring of solar systems are cheaper.

As a business that uses lots of electricity to power equipment and interior and exterior lights, the best way to control your costs is to find alternative energy sources, like solar energy.

Renewable energy 

Solar power is a 100% clean, renewable energy source that reduces dependence on oil, coal and natural gas for electricity production. These fossil fuels produce damaging emissions that affect the quality of air, water and soil, and are responsible for global warming. According to the experts, by 2065, our planet will lose more species of plants and animals to extinction than in the previous 65 million years combined. These statistics show the effects of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels. 

On the other hand, solar energy produces no pollution. The sun’s abundant power is an unlimited source of energy that does not harm the ozone layer. Industrial solar energy systems are an investment in the future of the planet that can help to keep non-renewable energy sources and protect the environment.

Increase value of energy-efficiency

Installing solar panels on the roofs of your company can increase your property’s value and help you to sell faster if you intend to do that in the future.

When a building has solar panels, some of the energy needed by the building can be produced by solar panels, which means that the short and long-term operating expenses will be lower than comparable buildings that do not have solar panels.

Reduced carbon emission

Saving the planet and reducing carbon footprints and fossil fuel consumption is more relevant every day. Unlike fossil fuel, solar panels generate electricity with no air or carbon pollution and no ash or other waste products.

More and more companies are now looking for a supplier with low emission carbon, and final customer pay attention to this argument and social responsibilities of their supplier.

Local government support in some countries

To encourage people to adopt solar energy, in some countries, the government offers tax credits to those who install rooftop solar panels whether it be for residential or commercial purposes. More and more local governments are promoting renewable energy businesses as a way to contribute to a green urban economy.

Although experts across the world are increasingly supporting green economy, the role of renewable energy sourcing remains limited, while dependence on fossil fuels remains high. Local governments are increasingly playing a crucial role in the design and implementation of climate-friendly policies.

Easier monitoring of your ROI

Consumers can use the APP to monitor their rooftop solar system. Usually, the APP enables PV installers and system owners to view the most updated data and carry out remote monitoring at anytime and anywhere using their cell phones.

Low maintenance costs

Solar energy systems generally do not require a lot of maintenance. You only need to keep them relatively clean. Most reliable solar panel manufacturer’s offer 20-25 years warranties.

As there are no moving parts, there is no wear and tear. The inverter is usually the only part that needs to be changed after 5-10 years because it is continuously working to convert solar energy into electricity and heat (solar PV vs. solar thermal). Apart from the inverter, the cables also need maintenance to ensure your solar power system runs at maximum efficiency.

Therefore, after covering the initial cost of the solar system, you can expect very little spending on maintenance and repair work.

Self-consumption of electricity

This renewable energy from an inexhaustible source of resources such as the sun can be used very effectively in all types of industrial processes. If you want to stop depending on the electricity trading companies and the prices they dictate, you have the option of investing in photovoltaic panels to provide electricity and thermal energy to have heating and sanitary hot water in your industrial facilities.

Less service disruption.

While renewable energy also depends on the weather, it is more stable and easily distributed than traditional fossil fuels. This means if one windmill goes out, the others are able to pick up the slack. In most cases, you will not experience service disruption with renewable energy. This allows your business to stay open and keep pushing through. When your competitors are down, this can make all the difference.

Improve your company image

Looking for new ways to attract customers and clients can definitely be challenging, especially when you have run out of ideas. However, with the number of people looking to make conscious purchasing choices increasing day by day, switching to renewable energy will give you the ability to market your business as green.

The new generations are particularly interested in buying from green and sustainable companies. As they get older and become a larger portion of the buying population, you will want to create marketing strategies that appeal to them. Going green can be a great way to get a much-needed public relations boost and could be the difference between a client choosing your business or a competitor’s

Stay ahead of the game

Choosing to switch to renewable energy while it is quite new can position your company as a forward-thinking and innovative business. When other businesses begin to make the switch themselves, they will remember you were one of the first to do so and they will continue to look to you for ideas on trends. 

Industries that benefit from solar energy

Industries of all types can take the benefits of shifting to solar energy. With the decrease in cost of installing a solar panel system, top industries can save on electricity costs and be safe from future energy price increases.

Here are some of the industries that can benefit from solar energy.


Similar to manufacturing facilities, agricultural operations like poultry and dairy farms utilize a lot of electricity and have big roof spaces ideal for a solar panel system. A typical chicken farm for example requires a consistent temperature and ventilation, which is kept with the help of industrial sized electric fans. If an agricultural facility has a roof-mounted solar system, they have an option to switch from electricity generated by the utility company to clean energy generated on site. This change will save them many financial resources.

Solar energy can cut energy costs and increase productivity and its benefits can be seen in as little as three years. Farmers can obtain the benefits of reduced electricity costs, diversification of revenue stream and the ability to maintain crop production and also contributes to the environment.


In general, manufacturing facilities use large amounts of electricity making them prime candidates for a solar panel system. Another factor is that manufacturers normally use large buildings with a lot of roof space, ideal for a solar panel system. Turning to solar will save a manufacturer millions on electricity costs while being protected against energy price increase.

Businesses in this industry use a significant amount of electricity during the production process. As noted by the Solar Energy Information Administration’s Solar Means Business Report, manufacturing accounts for 86 MW of solar PV energy production. Due to the size of manufacturing operations, these installations need to be large to make an impact on the overall energy consumption for the company.


Any business, whether in the industrial sector or in the service sector, needs an electricity supply to be able to carry out basic functions in its facilities. Therefore, having the best energy solution is a key point when it comes to reducing the fixed costs of economic activity.

Solar energy is here to stay. It has already changed the power industry, its business model, and the way electricity is delivered to the grid. There a many opportunities for businesses to take advantage of industrial-scale solar energy generation.

Due to the characteristics of this type of installation, solar panels are an easier to install. This is another reason to enjoy the advantages of solar energy, especially if the Industrial facilities are located in an area with good weather conditions that allow a good extraction of this type of energy.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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