6 great nonprofit softwares in 2022

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Running a non-profit entity is already overwhelmed with many activities but keeping your image visible online is also crucial to the charitable success of your organization. Luckily there are many nonprofit softwares solutions that can help you to run your NGO efficiently.

Before choosing a non-profit software, we invite you to take a look at the general software market.

Nonprofit software solutions

We have picked up some of the best non-profit software in the market at the present.

1. DonorSearch

It is a leading provider of prospect research to nonprofits of all types, including charities, healthcare organizations, religious organizations and educators. To help clients find the best philanthropic prospects, DonorSearch uses proprietary algorithms DonorSearch’s data can be easily integrated with most common donor management and general sales software.

DonorSearch has a large philanthropic database, unlimited use of prospect view online and no per-person charge

2. Bloomerang

This donor management solution is one of the nonprofit softwares helps to create stronger donor retention rates and strategic donor management practices. Bloomerang relies on simple integrations to offer users the functionality they need.

They are always adopting the latest technologies to have an attractive an easy-to-use interface and a cloud-based system, which possibly helps your nonprofit enhance its donor loyalty.

Its Interactive dashboards review and analyses your donor retention rate and track your campaign’s success. Its timeline shows all interactions at both individual and organizational levels. Using this donor management solution you can create comprehensive reports with just a few clicks.

3. Fonteva

It is a comprehensive and intuitive events management software easy-to-use and easy-to-integrate. Fonteva easily develop and access schedules, attendee agenda builders, and wait-lists. With an easy drag and drop report setup, you can create the any report that you need. Its flexibility offers is clear and concise way to make every day work more efficient.

The system is highly configurable and has a variety of features that our current other solutions don’t offer. Salesforce and Fonteva’s ability to connect with and integrate is very efficient.

4. Qgiv

Qgiv is one of the nonprofit softwares that is gaining popularity with its easy-to-use functionalities. It does have practically everything any nonprofit could need. From peer-to-peer fundraising solutions to giving kiosks. This tool grants nonprofits the chance to really engage and recognize their donors with customized donation pages.

It also makes the donation process as easy as possible and send custom thank-you’s and receipts and using their mobile giving, social sharing, and embeddable widget options:

5. Cloudways

Cloudways is a Managed Cloud Hosting Platform that takes care of all aspects of hosting the nonprofit websites including security, deployments, and upgrades. Cloudways comes with a powerful feature set that allow you to scale hosting resources as your nonprofit organization grows.

This is not just about low-level technical detail. You also get automated installation of apps such as WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, OpenCart, PrestaShop and Laravel.

6. Award Force

Award Force is a software that help non-profit programs to manage not-for-profit submissions and evaluation (or assessment) online. Designed to offer performance and function. It’s fast, secure and a great experience for submitters, evaluators, and managers.

The Bottom Lines

Non-profit organizations need to be able to administrate many different aspects that normal businesses. It is easy-to-use yet comprehensive software solutions to address your unique challenges, simplifying your day and transforming your NGO.

Running a non-profit entity is already overwhelmed with several operational activities but keeping your image visible online is also crucial to the charitable success of your organization.

The DataScope program for non-profit organizations offers a discount on services for those organizations that meet certain requirements that you can check here.

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DataScope is the ideal tool to eliminate paper use, save time, and efficiently collect data from the field. It allows companies to streamline, organize and evaluate field work thanks to its online forms, which provide indicators in real time, 100% adaptable to any area.

With DataScope, your team can answer custom mobile forms from their phones or tablets, online or offline, through the app.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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