7 Advantages of mobile technology

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The real impact of these mobile devices in communication is noticed when these tools are gone. Mobile technology has changed the game and businesses, now, need to focus on enabling employees to get their work done as easily as possible. Mobile technology adds value at every stage and help businesses to improve operations and translate that in either financial gains or strategic advantages.
The benefits of mobile technology in today’s workplace are various and dynamic. This article explore on the vast influence that mobile technology has on business today. Below you will find some ways mobile technology can boost your business.

Better communication

Mobile devices has been driving business communication allow organizations to get better communication within workers and with customers and vendors. The increase of digital communication has helped to eliminate time and distance as obstacles, which has been beneficial to many parts of society, including business.

Increased collaboration with your team

Telecollaboration has been boost by the use of technology and mobile devices into business. Mobile technology means teams can connect from anywhere and provide them access to the documents and materials needed to get collaborative work done. Mobile devices and Internet have made it possible to conduct teleconferences, online meetings, video calls and so on.

Remote work

Mobile technology is redefining work. Employees no longer need to stay in their desks to work; they can do it from everywhere in the world. Remote work isn’t just convenient for both employers and employees; studies have shown that it’s also more effective. According to Gallup’s report, employees across various industries who spent 60 to 80 percent of their time working remotely had the highest rates of engagement.

Reduced operational costs and saved time

Mobile technology can save your business time and money in many ways. Employees working remotely or even from home can save you thousands of dollars regularly. Mobile devices reduce the need for expensive technology, such as landline carrier services. Cloud-based services are cheaper than using any of the systems Technology can also give your business more flexibility and improved productivity.

Increased productivity

Mobile technology can has a huge impact on productivity. Mobile application integration saves around 7.5 hours per employee, per week. Smartphones and mobile devices also enable workers to become more productive. Surveys of remote employees show that working from home can be more beneficial than working from an office because workers are more likely to do extra hours and perform tasks outside their regular ones to help the organization.

Real time data

Mobile technology provides tools to help businesses access to real-time data. Mobile-integrated data software usage has increased as more businesses have realized the importance of turning data actionable. Many enterprise resource planning (EPR) systems allows users to access real-time, live data updates and reports wherever they are.

Access the cloud

Cloud-based services have exploded in the past few years.  Cloud-based mobile apps have proved themselves to be more capable than any smart-phone, especially in terms of the storage space that is offered. Cloud apps’ server-based computing infrastructure that is accessible through mobile interface of an app, is quite a contrast to the limited data-storage space and processing power in a mobile device.
Mobile technologies are for more than just working from home. Mobile employees today can essentially take their office with them on client visits, sales calls, collecting high-speed real time data and getting many benefits.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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