The value of Whatsapp Business for companies

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Whatsapp Business offers immediacy, agility and efficiency for daily communication between organizations and their target audiences, becoming a fundamental tool to optimize the customer experience.

Despite the recent controversies caused by the possible misuse of its users’ information, WhatsApp is, without a doubt, one of the most popular messaging applications in the world.

In fact, it is estimated that more than 2 billion people interact daily through this tool, which has been owned by Facebook since 2014.

This enormous capacity for interaction was precisely one of the factors that motivated the launch of WhatsApp Business in 2017, a “sister” version of the original app, but intended for the exclusive use of companies.

Main features

In its beginnings, the main objective of WhatsApp Business was to eliminate SPAM from the messaging traffic that today circulates among Internet users. However, very soon it became a fundamental business tool so that a large number of small, medium and large companies and enterprises could communicate instantly and easily with their users.

Thanks to this constant interaction, the companies attached to the service obtain valuable information to, for example, carry out marketing campaigns, optimize their customer service or answer technical questions from users, among many other personalized service options.

Although at first glance the WhatsApp Business interface is very similar to the “classic” version, both have differences, especially during account setup. In the business version, we must first provide a description of our business, and then indicate a web address, as well as the physical location.

Once this step has been taken, the application can be used freely, although always keeping in mind the objective of making its user known as a company, and providing greater personalization on its customer service.

How does Whatsapp Business work?

WhatsApp Business is not a simple mass messaging channel. On the contrary, the idea is to use it to interact in a personalized, direct and fast way.

This gives companies the opportunity to connect directly with their target audience through a channel that ensures maximum audience coverage.

In addition, as a Facebook application, it can be integrated with this and other leading apps, such as Instagram.

This is a very important advantage for companies, since such interconnection allows covering all phases of the “sales processes” of their respective products and / or services.

For example, Facebook and Instagram directly support the preliminary stages of “Awareness” and “Consideration”, where user interaction is more passive. Through WhatsApp Business the “Decision” and “Loyalty” phases are strengthened, which help to consolidate a product or service in the market.

This is possible thanks to the fact that in WhatsApp Business the conversations between companies and users are much closer and more personalized. In addition, there is the fact that the dialogue with the potential client is carried out through a deeply internalized communication channel.

Other outstanding features of this application are the following:

  • Resolves the doubts of clients, as well as non-clients and potential clients.
  • Allow us to track reservations.
  • Allow us to track shipments.
  • It makes it possible to attend user complaints.
  • Help to carry out satisfaction surveys.
  • Facilitates online payments (in association with other CRM type software)
  • Allow us to schedule appointments.
  • Helps pick up orders and avoid long waiting lines.

For a successful implementation of WhatsApp Business, it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

  • Segment the database according to the type of clients, in order to offer them personalized communication.
  • Define the message and its style, taking into account the creativity and originality of both the form and the content. Even using a variety of formats and emojis.
  • Schedule shipments, and ensure that they are messages of interest, so that users share them in turn among their contacts.
  • Do not create groups to share messages, but contact lists according to the type of customer or degree of loyalty.
  • Create an attractive business profile to appear on social networks, choosing a distinctive image of the company that can also be adapted for special occasions.
  • Update the status periodically, with relevant information of interest to the user, including recent news about brands, schedules, contests or promotions, among other various options.

Advantages of using Whatsapp Business

WhatsApp Business provides a direct point of contact between the company and users, thanks to which it is possible to obtain the following advantages:

Create a company profile: In it we can add important data such as address, location on Google Maps, hours of operation, description of activities and contact email.

Prepare distribution lists: They help to send mass messages with information about new products and services, for example.

Generate automatic responses: They are sent every time a user writes through the chat. This helps to maintain fluid communication even outside normal business hours, so as not to lose contact and customer loyalty. These responses can be quick messages such as welcomes, greetings, farewells, answers to frequently asked questions, thanks and absence messages, among others.

Create segmented groups: They allow to generate a more effective interaction community to spread advertising or commercial messages.

Build a positive image: The use of this App shows that the company cares about generating a more personalized treatment with its users, differentiating itself from other companies that do not offer this possibility.

Provide immediate value: Because it is instant messaging, it can be answered quickly, which helps to enhance the loyalty and attention of the target audience.

Gain user loyalty: Rapid problem solving using a communication tool known to most audiences translates into greater empathy and loyalty.

How to avoid feared spam?

WhatsApp Business is a powerful digital marketing tool, but if we use it incorrectly it can be invasive, putting our messages in the unattractive category of “spam.”

To avoid this situation, we must implement various measures, such as follows:

  • Use the social networks of the company to publicize the benefits of WhatsApp Business, including through promotions, discounts, surveys, contests and other alternatives that help to quickly get new contacts.
  • Use institutional newsletters to inform customers, suppliers and distributors about the use of this new communication channel aimed at solving their concerns and queries.
  • Implement pop-ups on the corporate website where users enter their contact information, and thus add them to the database.

All this set of advantages gives WhatsApp Business a wide range of interaction possibilities, both on a personal and professional level, that companies should make the most of to streamline their services and responses.

However, it is necessary to remember that the excessive sending of messages can also cause the opposite effect, and even generate rejection on the part of the interlocutor or the closure of the account.

For this reason, it is important to use it with caution and, above all, great creativity, in order to generate new contact opportunities that benefit both users and the company.

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Picture of Francisco Gonzalez
Francisco Gonzalez

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