Why your business should switch to mobile forms?

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In today’s competitive world, companies need advantages to keep up with the upcoming challenges. New technologies have provided businesses a wide range of options to choose from in order to evolve their processes. Mobile forms are having a great impact on businesses because they are helping them to increase productivity and to lower operational costs. Making the switch from paper forms to mobile forms is no longer a trend, it’s the way to become more efficient and optimize business processes. Companies that are still using paper forms need to make the change to catch-up to their more mobile-savvy competitors to don’t get left behind.
Here are some of the main benefits of eliminating paperwork and switching to mobile forms.

Save money

Many offices still spend a lot of money printing documents that don’t need to be printed out, wasting toner and paper. While it may not seem like much, on a year might be a significant amount of money. Switching to mobile forms can help you save real money over time and will take your business to a much more efficient and productive level.


Using mobile forms to collect and information speed up the processes. With the old model, workers had to take paper forms back to the office to be transcribed and filed away, then retrieved again in the case of an audit. Utilizing mobile forms, the information gets sent with the click of a button from the field to the head office, to the server or to the cloud
Waiting for paper forms to be delivered or emailed to the office before the data and information they contain can be used slows things down. With mobile forms, you can automatically dispatch the most up-to-date mobile forms to field workers, trigger email or SMS notifications for immediate action, improving efficiency.

Eliminate process errors

Another big advantage of using mobile forms is that they simplify any process. For workers is easy to complete a form or checklist while they’re working. For example, many contractors have to fill out a checklist at the completion of a job to ensure that the process was done correctly. This review helps to reduce or eliminate human error in repetitive processes that have to be done continuously.

Collect rich data

Mobile forms give you the possibility to collect rich data, capture photos, sketch on those photos, capture audio notes, or video, and scan barcodes. Having the ability to improve the multimedia information makes the process much more efficient and increases the capabilities for you to respond to your stakeholders (partners, customers, or regulatory authority). Capturing data that is date stamped, time stamped and geo-stamped with all the information that you need serves to vastly improve your accountability and compliance.

Improve management reporting

Forms on mobile devices can include single sign-on, GPS, and time stamps so managers can know exactly who, where, and when a form was filled out. Managers are also able to create individual forms and group form permissions, giving the appropriate form and data access for each user. By using mobile forms, you get rid of delays by completing only necessary paperwork and getting it sent to the right person. Mobile forms make workflows and reports fast and more accurate.

Facilitates tracking and analysis

Mobile data is better organized and available immediately within your systems, therefore you can sift through the data and analyse it as soon as you get it. You can also track old data collected in the field, and compare to external data. Using mobile forms, reports can be easily generated and shared with stakeholders who can get access to critical business insights almost instantly.

Improve productivity

If you’re in an industry in which your employees work out in the field, using a mobile form software can be a lifesaver. By using this technology, your employees can spend more time doing what they do best instead of trying to continually keep track of paperwork.
Mobile forms allow you to pre-populate information on a form and to make fields required to get the information you need for a task.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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