The time to adopt mobile forms is now

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In a previous article we talked about the adoption of mobile forms and the subsequent increase in your company’s productivity. But in this article we’ll show you the reasons why now it can be the perfect time to integrate mobile forms to your company’s operations.
According to Forbes, when it comes to mobile strategies, many companies analyze the need to develop a mobile app. At this point, most companies understand the importance of a strong mobile presence; however, which aspect of mobile to invest in isn’t always an easy decision.
A great start for your company’s first steps joining this trend are the mobile forms for any kind of field work still using paper forms. Let’s see why it’s convenient to boost the adoption of mobile forms in your company right now:

Cellphones are increasingly used and now more than ever

According to the latest Pew Research Center report, 92% of adults in the United States owns a cellphone. In fact, mobile phones have already surpassed desk computers and notebooks (which reached a plateau in its adaptability at 73%) as the most used devices. And Forbes states that the increase of mobile apps this year has been astronomical, reaching the highest figures so far. Next year it’s expected that the number of mobile users will surpass the 4,77 billion. There’s no excuse to avoid integrating mobile phones to your workplace, even more if you consider that…

Your employees are already using their smartphones at work

Mobile popularity has increased so much in the last decade that private and public organizations have started to accept smartphones at their workspace. And they have done it partly without costs thanks to BYOD or “bring your device” policies, encouraged their employees to access the company’s resources such as emails, databases and files on servers as well as data and personal apps.
A recent Tech Pro Research report found that 72% of the businesses are allowing their employees to bring their own devices, or are planning to. Apart from that Gartner has even said that half of the employers around the world will ask their employees to bring their own devices before 2016 ends.
This is where the simple and adaptable mobile forms fit right in as the most accurate solution to face the new landscape. If we encourage our workers on the field to use their own smartphones to stay connected with work issues as well as with their personal life, why not use them for our advantage optimizing paper-based work processes with mobile forms specially designed for that task?

Mobile employees optimize the use of available time

There is concern among companies that mobile devices could distract their employees, and could cause drops in the company’s productivity. In fact, exactly the opposite happens. Smartphones have become essential tools to support the effectiveness among workers. Wrike’s Mobile Productivity Report states that 43% of respondents see the use of a mobile device as very critical for their daily work. 44% of respondents state that they check or use their mobile device for work more than 20 times per day, and another 37% state that having a mobile device improves their work-life balance.
Thanks to these trends, it’s clear how mobile technology can trigger your company’s productivity. In that regard, mobile forms are replacing paper forms for field operations, and at the same time they are becoming an answer to the new habits of employees 2.0, who think their mobile device is a tool to work more and work better, in less time.
Mobile forms give your company the chance to take the first steps towards a coherent mobile strategy, and can remove idle times in field operations, promoting a productive use of your employees’ smartphones.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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