The 5 best time management apps in 2022

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Time is one of the most valuable asset. Most of us wish we had more hours in a day to accomplish our long list of to-dos. That is why time management apps are very helpful for any business. No matter your industry, time management matters.

Thankfully, lately, many tools has been developed to help us organizing and using our time in a more effective and productive way.

What is time management?

It is the process of organizing, dividing and planning your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work in a more efficient way spending less hours and resources.
Effective time management tools can help you to get more done in less time. Today, there are many effective apps in the market that will assist you in maximizing your time and automating routine tasks.

Time management apps

Here we have compiled a list of the five best time management apps on the market today. Remember, time management doesn’t just mean keeping track of your to-do list; it also applies to automating routine tasks and making your job easier.


This app make time tracking much easier and keeps you organized, especially if you work on various tasks per day. With many time tracking apps, you need to have a client, project, and task entered into your account before the app will let you track time. With Toggl, you can track your time now and worry about the details later.

This app has some of the most detailed options. For example, in the Toggl Chrome extension, you can set a time of day when Toggl should automatically stop recording time on task, making sure you never accidentally keep a timer running overnight.

It even has a Pomodoro Technique setting that allow you to work for some amount of time on a project that requires your attention and then take a short break, all with simple stopwatch-like reminders.

You can get a limited free account, which does not allow members to collaborate with other team members, but it provides you basic reporting tools. For more advanced functions, you need to get the paid account.


Todoist is so much more than a time management app that keeps track of your to-do lists; it has powerful built-in features like syncing across all your devices on 12 different platforms. It also has great features for monitoring your productivity and for organizing all the duties you have to do. Its productivity report shows how much you have accomplished over time.

You can also add your tasks to your calendar to create reminders for relevant events or tasks. The free version has great features, but to get the most out of this app, you should get the premium version. With a free account, you can collaborate with other people, up to five per project, and manage up to 80 projects.

Focus Booster

It will help you to stay focused and gain clarity into how you are using your time. Using this app, you will achieve more, have a clear idea about how you are using your time and get more productive. This app provides you a total visibility of where you spent your time and made your revenue on a dashboard. By using Focus Booster, you will get deep understanding of your work cycles and further improve productivity.


It makes it easy to track time and expenses, and allow you to get access to critical data without going crazy. Harvest is a great option for teams because it has been built to handle a collaborative workload in a way that is clear and easy to understand.

It can be a great help to track and organize your team’s time and get the job done. Harvest can automatically remind team members to submit their timesheets so, business owners can always edit, review, and approve team timesheets.

You can get the desktop app, mobile app, and browser extension and install them easily The app work offline, allowing you and your teammates to record time on tasks even when they are not online.


It is an online-only time tracker and scheduling app that can be synced with productivity apps you may already be using.  Everhour helps you track time spent on tasks so you can bill by the hour. It does not offer exhaustive integrations or invoicing options, but it is reliable.

When used collaboratively, Everhour can track every employee availability. For each team member, including yourself, you can enter a maximum number of hours per day or week to work on a particular project. This app also has an option to log scheduled time off, therefore, you can then look at the team’s schedule, and see their availability easily.

The bottom line

Time management apps can help business manager to be more efficient by saving time and automating. The vast options in time management software are a great help to increase productivity and having more control over your time and your team time.

These five best time management apps will help ease the stress, make you more productive and automate tasks that absorb your hours. Have you tried them?

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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