Online forms as a recipe to boost productivity

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What are the challenges our societies are facing to be fully inserted in the so called third digital age? The participation in the digital economy by all sectors (public and private) is required in order to take a real leap in productivity. The part of the online forms in that process makes it essential. A look at Latin American countries shows that there is a long but promising road ahead. We’ll evaluate the Chilean case.

A modernization of the public sector

In the context of the fourth version of the 2016 Digital Country Summit ‘Digital Productivity’, a great example of the necessary modernization of the State is the low digitalization of government paperwork: only 44% of State procedures are digitized (3.646 in total). The users can take advantage of the online form as a tool to see the State paperwork simplified, reducing processing times.

What can companies do?

Digitalization at the private sector also has plenty of room to grow, and it can boost productivity rates greatly: according to the newspaper El Mercurio, in 2015 a survey by the Ministry of Economy and the National Statistics Institute reported that 55.9% of entrepreneurs didn’t have any computers, notebooks, tablets or smartphones to work with and only 40.6% used Internet in their line of business. This is worrying, considering that electronic commerce and virtual payment systems have been firmly established in our country for years.

“Going through paperwork in a short period of time, comfort to access a range of services, an opportunity to acquire knowledge, and more importantly, reaching new markets, getting new customers or increasing sales. These, and other like them, are the reasons why small business leaders access virtual services to help their businesses”, pointed out the general manager of Sercotec (Technical Cooperation Service) to the newspaper El Mercurio.

But what can companies just entering the digital world do to reach a quick and effective increase in their productivity rates with practically associated costs?

Online forms: a recipe to increase productivity

Companies and organizations which improve their sales processes by migrating to an online form are seizing one of the most intelligent ways of reducing costs and recovering the lost efficiency over unnecessary paperwork. It’s the perfect recipe to increase productivity rates thanks to a tool 100% adaptable to organizational needs and no implementation problems between employees.

With the right, simple and straightforward online form, requiring the minimum necessary information, the company can save a considerable amount of time and money. Documents digitalization and the replacement of physical forms by online forms are very beneficial, because no time or energy is lost searching for a document since they are available for consultation 24 hours a day. According to Las Últimas Noticias, it’s also great for companies because they can save up to 70% in printing and paper expenses.

Another advantage is that an online form is very quick and very easy to create. On the other hand, the online form allows transforming any kind of physical form to a digital form, and it becomes 100% adaptable to the customers’ needs according to the field they are applied to.

The digitalization in companies and the modernization of State procedures are both processes which will continue evolving in the future. And both depend on the implementation of the online form as a key tool to push efficiency and productivity rates a qualitative leap forward.

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With DataScope, your team can answer custom mobile forms from their phones or tablets, online or offline, through the app.

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