Mobile technology has changed the way of doing business in a manner that were inconceivable just a decade ago.
Technology has literally changed every aspect of the way businesses operates and mobility is “the next big thing.” Even Google is prioritizing websites that make mobile web browsing easier. With mobile technology, everything from your customer relations, content marketing and sales should be done at the click of a button.
How mobile technology can help your business?
Recent developments in the mobile communication technology have had a significant impact on the way businesses communicate, operate, and interact with customers. Here we have ten ways in which mobile technology is changing business.
Increased internet access
Now we use mobile technology to do most of or daily activities such as search for products and services, communicate with our friends, buy and sell staff, contact our clients and vendors and more. For business, this mean that entrepreneurs can be in contact with their employers 24/7 and they can provide solutions to their customers at any time.
Easier and faster processes
Cloud-based tools and mobile-first technologies have made it easier and cheaper to start a business.
Tools such as PayPal, Google Drive and Slack have also halved the amount of time it takes businesses to go international.
Better communication
Messaging services apps can keep a workforce connected even if workers are mobile. These services can also be used to stay in touch with customers.
Mobile technology can help companies to expand their workforce to a global network. Mobile devices allow you to get workers from anywhere in the world without many complications. Thanks to smart mobile devices you can conduct teleconferences, online meetings, video calls and so on. Mobile technology is definitively making the communication process more efficient.
Improved customer experience
With the increasing importance of mobile devices in our lives, businesses have developed strategies to use mobile technology in order to build and maintain relationships with customers and potential clients. Mobile apps have created a new market for retailers. Customers can now, easily, give their feedback about products and services. These interactive methods help to maintain a communication channel with customers improving service and productivity.
Time and money saving
With apps replacing forms, cloud solutions replacing resource-heaving local filing, mobile solutions can cut off hours of regular tasks. The benefits of mobile are not just for workers, small businesses using mobile apps to deal with tasks such as expenses can save a lot of time, money and resources.
Optimised operations
The mobile trend has turned business operations smoother and swifter than before. Mobile technology has improved accessibility. For instance, an important file stored in the cloud can be accessed from anywhere. This allow customer care executives to access to this data at any time and stay updated about any customer requirements and, as a result, provide efficient solutions to the clients. Therefore, mobile technology helps in speeding up processes and increasing accuracy.
Getting rid of paperwork
An increasing number of apps are focused on getting rid of paperwork. Mobile technology is now at the stage where it has contributed to avoid paper redundant across almost all aspects of business. Mobility helps to reduce paperwork and allow organisations to access and share files and documents at any time, and from any location without printing documents out and faxing them, or sending them by post.
Make data more accessible
Mobile-friendly software allows businesses to stay in touch with their data in a way that would have been unthinkable even five years ago. Using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) bosses can stay in touch with their accounts whether they are at their desk, in the warehouse or at an investor lunch. Mobility puts them in control, 24-7 and the new technologies aren´t just accessible for big businesses anymore. At present, there are a variety of software in the market for any requirement and budget.
Increase in online shopping
Online retail through mobile devices has already surpassed desktop. According to comScore, 55% of the time attributed to e-retail was spent through a mobile device during this month. This percentage of mobile e-commerce will only continue to grow and become more popular as more people abandon their desktops for the convenience of mobile devices and online shopping as a whole.
Mobile technology is revolutionizing advertising

Customers can be reached anytime, anywhere. Regardless of where your customers are, they can hear about your latest promotion.
Smartphones can now be used to download coupons, to search for products, to compare prices and more. Keep in mind that 80 percent of shoppers want to see product information optimized for mobile devices. That is why is so important to make sure that your website is mobile optimized.
To take advantage of mobile technology, you just need to understand how it affects your business in order to apply advancements to improve your processes and services and increase sales and revenue.
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