It is time to replace your paper forms

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Many companies are still using paper forms; so why should you consider changing? Using paper forms can be complicated and time consuming, because employees have to fill out the form and send the information to the administrator or another team member to process the paperwork. Using digital forms to gather and share information you can reduce friction in your business operations and improve your productivity.

The use of paperwork on your business

Paper forms have been a useful tool for so many years because:

  • They can be used to collect information in a quite effective way.
  • Staff can carry clipboards to remote job sites and forms to be completed and stored anywhere.
  • Paper forms are easy to fill and allow you to add handwritten notes or drawings, or to get signatures.

In spite of all these benefits, paper forms can be an enormous source of frustration because:

  • They’re a very slow way to share information.
  • Must be hand-delivered. If you want to deliver them digitally, you need to scan and attach the file to an email and print it out before it could then be entered into a software.
  • There’s the issue of illegible handwriting or incomplete information which invalid the whole data collection process.
  • Pape forms can be easily damaged or loss.
  • The information gathered need to be processed and members of your team have to re-type all the data at the end of the day in order to submit it to HQ or to upload it to the system.

Going digital is the answer

Today, thanks to mobile technology, there’s an easier way to do business than by using paperwork which is digitizing your form submission and data collection. By using a mobile app to gather information, your business can increase its productivity, reduce friction points and automate processes.
Digital forms are a useful tool to help you move toward becoming a paperless office. Additionally, it will help you to cut down on paper and printing expenses. A key advantage to using digital forms is that you have all the form customization options without needing to build them up from scratch. Using the drag and drop form builder, you can create any type of form or data collection suit your industry’s requirements.  Mobile apps can also collect and add multiple data types such as texts, photos, sketches, GPS location, digital signatures and more.

Using a digital form app

There are many advantages to using digital technology. With digital forms, users can input information from any location and while they’re on the go which simplifies the whole data collection process. They even can be completed when the user is offline, and the information gathered will be automatically submitted when the signal is restored.
Using mobile apps, simplifies and organizes the data collection process, therefore all the information is more accessible. Mobile forms are easy to fill out and readily available via a smartphone. This factor has also an impact on the company’s productivity.
From an operational perspective, businesses that switch to digital forms can see improvement in the speed that data is shared and in their operations which lead to an important productivity boost. Companies can even set up conditional workflows to validate the information entered into the form. For instance, submitting a delivery confirmation form could trigger a customized PDF receipt being sent to the user.

Getting started with mobile forms

Using a mobile forms app not only can help businesses to improve productivity; they can also help them to save time and resources. With our Form Builder you can create perfect intuitive and powerful forms easily. Check here how you started transforming your business with mobile forms and digitizing your forms.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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