Improve workflows with mobile data collection

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Mobile data collection can make more efficient workflows because it captures data in a smarter and more effective way. It also makes faster and easier for the user to complete the form with the required data and can help managers to track business operations and production process through mobile devices.
A mobile data collection makes a data collection, process access simple, efficient and error-free. It can bring many benefits to your organization including:

  • Real time interactions

Mobile data collection is a dynamic method that allow users to get real-time interactions with data sources. Businesses that deploy mobile data collection solutions, such as mobile forms apps, get access to data quicker, saving the company time and reducing operations costs, among other benefits.

  • Integration

Mobile forms can easily get integrated with business applications and work management tools. To do so, you should start mapping out each step of your workflow. Then you have to figure out where the information should be sent once the forms are completed or if you want to include signatures collection or rich data. The mobile form can also contain questions that drive different business process outcomes. All this structure allows you to better coordinate the whole data collection process.

  • Time saving

MDC reduces both field data collection time, the time required for analysis and distribution of data and resulting reports and the amount of time elapsed between collecting data at the local level and storing it in an online database.

  • Rich data

Mobile data collection gives you the chance to add rich data fields such as images or geo-location which provides relevant information for the company. Mobile data capturing offers choices of data delivery formats including text, JPEG, PDF, .DOC, XML, JSON and others. The choice will depend on the recipient of the data and on the workflow requirements.

  • Accuracy

Mobile forms can include multiple select questions to allow users to choose the answers instead of making them type out each response. You can also add rules and expressions for questions that require a certain value or calculate the difference between two answers, or use conditional logic to ask questions based on previous answers. By using these features you will remove unnecessary steps and get more accurate information.

  • Customization

To make the data collection processes more efficient you can design a form that you’re your company’s requirements. Most of the apps offer an easy to use, intuitive drag & drop interface for building customized mobile forms with no programming required so you can create your own mobile forms in only a few minutes.  When building a mobile form, you have two options: replicating exactly your paper form or optimizing your form for mobile devices and the user which is our recommended option.

  • Automation

With mobile forms, delivery of your data is automated. You can specify who gets the form as well as what should happen with the form data. After a form has been completed, the information gathered usually gets sent directly into the files that have been previously set up, eliminating the need for data re-entry. Forms automation can also be used to dispatch a form with pre-populated information to an employee off site or a tech in the field to save them time from having to input the data themselves.

  • Improved quality control

You can track each step of the production process on site using a smartphone and record information for each step filling out quality control forms. Mobile data collection allows you to recognize any issue in the production process on the spot and correct it straight away.
Mobile data collection will help your business become more productive and efficient. This method is advantageous for a variety of business tasks from field inspections and audits to tracking and documenting production processes including reporting equipment conditions in the field.
Are you thinking about implementing mobile forms data collection in your business, but don’t know where to start? Want to know more about mobile forms software? Contact us or sign up for a free account.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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