How to use technology to improve workplace safety

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Workplace safety is essential in any organization because all the workers want to labour in a safe and protected environment. Health and safety is the key factor for all the industries in order to promote and improve the wellness of both employees and employers. All the industries have safety risks and the management should dedicate time to ensure that their workers are safe and working comfortably at all the time. There is abundant evidence that good health and safety practice can improve productivity because healthy employees are productive employees, and productive employees have a positive impact on the company’s bottom line. When employees start feeling that their work is unsafe or that their employers don´t not care about their well-being, productivity slip.

How technology can improve workplace safety?

Whenever technology is mentioned in the context of business, one usually assumes that the purpose is to enhance productivity and improve communication. However, technology for the purposes of health and safety is gaining more adherence due to the emphasis placed upon organizations to comply with HSE laws and standards. Technology has been preventing worker fatalities and injuries for years, however, the rise of more sophisticated tools and gadgets offers a new perspective on how workplace safety can be further improved. Employee safety monitoring, training and reporting are just a few ways technology is improving workplace safety for employees. Technology also offers high-speed communication that could help remote employees to be safer while on the job. Here are five amazing ways technology is currently improving safety in the workplace.

  • Real-time data technology

High-speed communication can be used to improve workplace safety. Workers that are required to work within remote and stranded environments experience many risks. However, the use of apps and communication tools that can collect real-time insights allow employers to keep updated about the safety status of their employees. It is essential that employees receive timely and up-to-date information on safety and health and highly responsive communication technologies can ensure that they get safety communications on time and regularly.

  • Safety apps

Hazards are everywhere, and safety apps have been developed to look at safety-related issues, providing valuable information at the touch of a screen. These can streamline your risk, health and safety management, allowing you to keep a critical eye on your operations at all times. Apps like DataScope allow you to create health and safety checklist, hazard identification, take photos and record information from your mobile device in case of any eventuality arise. This material can be helpful to alert management on all critical event or during the following investigation.

  • 3D visualization technology

The 3D visualization software technology can help employees to become more aware of their workplace surroundings and its risks. The software generates lifelike images by recording the image using two angles. This tool has great advantages for workers training sessions for any given environment. 3D visualization software can recreate environments and workplace sites allowing workers to know the dangers and hazards in advance. It can additionally notify managers on what safety equipment and materials workers would require to prevent any accident.

  • Virtual reality

Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular as a training tool in occupational health and safety. This technology creates a virtual environment where the users can immerse themselves in a virtual world. Using virtual reality, workers can be exposed to very high-risk situations in a 100 per cent safe environment. This allows employees to get more “hands on” training, which is far more effective than just reading a training manual.

  • Drones

Using drones in the workplace can reduce the risk of accidents and when they do occur, it is easier to see how and why something went wrong in order to prevent similar incidents. Additionally, where some environments can be unsafe, sending a drone in to check the area gives a team crucial information without endangering human health. Drones allow access to dangerous sites reducing the exposure to employees. They can also collect the essential information and deliver, at the right time, to the appropriate person.

The bottom line

Safety technology in the workplace has not only improved employees’ health but has also made them happier and more productive. Technology gives workers the right tools for adequate data collection and faster reaction times. It can also have a significant impact in the reduction of injuries and deaths in workplace. Safety technology is an essential aspect in the workplace and companies that are using it experience better work turnout and more satisfied and healthier employees.
Today, technology cannot just enable workers to be more productive, efficient and innovative; it can also keep them safe and expedite communication flow between management and workers.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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