How to use digital technology in your business?

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Technology can help business owners to transform their companies into smarter, more effective and versatile organizations. In an active and globalized world, businesses must use their resources efficiently and react quickly to meet their clients demands. Digital technology has arrived to solve the problems through innovative systems that are malleable to the needs of each organization. What used to take weeks or even months, nowadays it is possible to finish in a few minutes and without much effort.
Here are 5 benefits that digital technology can bring to your business.

Workflow automation

According to McKinsey’s analysis, among business processes, 60% of occupations could save up to 30% of their time with automation, including the review and approval of paperwork and processing large documents. Workflow automation saves time and reduces errors, but perhaps, more importantly, automating functions allows managers, employees and stakeholders to focus on high-value tasks.
Today, there are digital solutions to help automates processes that can be very helpful in streamlining workflows within a business. Through technology-enabled automation, an organization can integrate different applications and tools, restructure work resources, and redefine the overall workflow steps to achieve their goals.

Increase productivity

Digital technology not only simplifies how people work but also increases collaboration within a team and allows employers to obtain reliable information to make the right decisions. Technology allows employees and management alike to follow productivity and track individual goals. This can be helpful both for management to monitor work but also for each worker to track their own progress and find ways to improve their results.
Digital technology optimizes processes and reduces manual work and man hours, reducing errors and increasing the productivity of each collaborator,

Improve relationship with customers

Making customers feel appreciated is one of the most essential aspects of growing a business, so you should find new ways to optimise your interactions with them. Technological innovations have made it easy for businesses to improve communication with their customers. There are, for instance, digital tools that allow you to identify the profile of your customers and the products they interact with the most. Digital technology can provide the vitals means to help you develop a system for generating and delivering a great customer experience. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM), for example, can help you manage interactions with potential and existing customers and to collect, store and analyse data about customers’ history with your business in order to improve your relationships.

Manage a mobile workforce

Virtual collaboration tools are great to manage a mobile workforce because they allow people to connect and engage with one another. There are mobile applications capable of scanning work permits to your workers’ mark attendance at real time. This enables you to monitor the operations and records at every location and to re-distribute resources should there be any urgent need. Your employees on site can also take work-in-progress pictures with these apps, which will automatically send the photos to the head office or to the managers for review. Some of these apps have a built-in payroll system to help companies compute working hours and salaries and monitor labour costs for each project.

Improve collaboration

Nobody can check 200 emails a day. Nevertheless, once you organize your communication strategies you probably won’t need to do that. At present you can find several platforms that allow you communicate simultaneously with all your team to check projects and tasks. These communication resources make things move faster and they are easy to use. The cloud is another huge communication resource that allows people located in different places to work simultaneously on the same project. When choosing a communication tool bear in mind that the right communication tool should support the way people do their daily job and the way they collaborate and interact with external people.


Digital technology is transforming nearly every domain in business. Many companies have already benefitted from using these technologies and have improved efficiency, productivity and growth prospects.
Not all technology is created equal, and not every business has the same technology needs, so entrepreneurs need to assess their requirements and expectations to implements the right strategies.
DataScope is an app that allows you to manage a mobile workforce because it includes a task manager and a messaging app for companies in the same place. Supervisors or workers can take pictures when a task has been finished and send it over for a review. They can also capture GPS location, timestamps, signatures, barcode and much more so you can take command of your operations with real time insights.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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