How to profit by going paperless?

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Technology has changed the way companies do business. Becoming a paperless office is becoming a popular trend because it can bring many benefits to your company. If you still have stacks of paper in your office, here are seven reasons that you should convince you to go paperless:

  • Cost saving

The cost of paper extends far beyond the price of printer, paper and ink. It also includes expenses such as: paper filing and storage; copying, in-person sharing and mailing; printer and copier maintenance and repairs and security and shredding services for sensitive documents.
Paperless workflow applications can reduce the cost of keeping and processing documentation. If you’re looking to reduce these expenses, it’s time to consider a digital solution.

  • Improve your office organization

Digitizing files improves your company’s organization. Your team no longer has to search thoroughly the entire office to find a missing paper document. If all the information you need to operate an efficient business is digitally stored and it is instantly accessible to those who have permission to work with, you could manage better your workflow and this will also have positive impact on your employees’ productivity.

  • Enhance team communication

Dealing with officemates and customers alike is much more efficient when you work with digital documents and tools. In a paperless business, it is easier and faster to share files and get the latest insights. Employees would even be able to work on projects together from remote locations while having access to any information they may need.

  • More productive employees

Digitization and paperless business makes your workforce more collaborative. Digital tools can help your staff to sort out issues and communicate even when they are in the field. Paper documents can even increase office tension when they get lost or damaged accidentally. These soft costs may not be significant, initially, but they can have an impact on the long run and might end up draining the team’s spirit.

  • Reduce environmental impact

One paperless office alone does not have a significant impact on the environment, but thousands of small, medium, and large organizations will. Going paperless will definitely reduce the amount of pollution that’s affecting our planet and will have a positive impact on your brand. At present, there is an increasing interest in sustainability and consumers see with good eyes paperless offices and prefer to purchase products and services from companies that are environmentally conscious.

  • Working remotely

With a digital system in place, you can free up your key workers to operate remotely so they would no longer be required to be physically present at the office. Those with the right authorization will be able to access the system from anywhere at any time, using a mobile device.

  • Sensitive data protection

With a digital system, you can optimize your security and keep sensitive data safe. A digital storage system can protect and track all activity on your files, and you can always be able to see if anyone has accessed the files or made any changes.
With paper files, you never know if they have been stored correctly or not. In the other hand, encrypted protection is the best option to place sensitive information behind a wall to avoid that sensitive information falls in the wrong hands.
Having all your work files scanned and organized into a digital filing system takes a certain amount of time and adjustment. However, once you have integrated digital solutions you will see positive results in cost savings alongside with an improved efficiency and productivity. In 2019, many businesses may be spending less on paper and related supplies, because they have moved to digital formats. When are you becoming a paperless office? We will love to hear your experience.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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