How to evaluate your workers’ performance

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To evaluate your workers’ performance allows organizations to implement effective strategies and achieve better results. Through this analysis a company can know if they are performing efficiently and which are their weakest areas.
With the results from the evaluation of work performance the employer or person in charge of Human Resources might have a clearer vision of the changes and implementations the office needs. They can also obtain information about their competence and progress.
You should consider these main aspects to carry out your evaluation:

Productivity and efficiency

Productivity consists of the amount of work an employee performs during their workday, and efficiency implicates a maximization of productivity with minimal effort or expense. Both of these aspects can measure the quality of work and evaluate your workers’ performance, so you can exploit their qualities and give them the right job to improve the productivity of your company.

Objectives of the organization

You have to inform your workers from the very first moment about your company’s goals and the role they play to achieve it. These goals have to be realistic for a specific timeframe, and the organization must provide the right tools and resources to their employees to train them and make them the best version of themselves.

Objective performance evaluation techniques

These techniques allow the evaluation of quantitative performance of each employee, taking into consideration the difficulties that some activities and working conditions might involve. These methods allow you to evaluate the information based on concrete and measurable data as number of calls made, packages delivered, contracts closed, visits , pieces assembled, words written in an article, items sold, etc.
Some of the most used techniques to implement this method are:

Units of measure: it is used mainly in factories, assembly lines and in general in any work that can be measured by units or quantities.

Computer systems: this technique is used on those people that work with a computer and with technological applications and it, basically, analyzes the activity that employees carry out.
The most common are: start time and end of activity, time used, work rate, etc.

Work related data: this method allows you to evaluate data such as level of absenteeism, work accidents, salaries and other variables.

How to perform employees evaluations

This evaluation should be carried out by the human resources department. In small companies, where the responsibility is more decentralized, personnel from different areas of the organization might participate on it. In some cases the employees themselves, under the supervision of another person, carry out their own self-assessment.

Subjective techniques of performance evaluation

This evaluation is done by observing the work behavior during a certain period of time. Some of the techniques used are the merit assessment methods that have been designed to reduce ambiguity and achieve greater objectivity.
Some of them are:

Rating scales. It consists of a compiling list that considers the most important aspects to perform at any job (cooperation, communication skills, etc.) and it indicates the level that the worker has for each of those aspects. In general, this system uses scales of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. Supervisors can record additional observations and some companies allow workers to add their comments on the evaluation form.

Ranking. The supervisors make a list of the workers, organizing them according to their level in certain characteristics and in their general performance. Each employee is compared to all the others in the selected aspects and will get a place in the ranking depending on the comparison results.

Comparison of pairs. It can be between two workers, and each one of them is compared with the rest.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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