How to collect accurate data?

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Data collection can be a complicated process that requires a lot of resources and a well-coordinated plan to reduce chances for something to go wrong. When using mobile devices, you don´t longer need pen and paper-based surveys. Right now, there a wide variety of sophisticated tools that allow you to get accurate data in a simple and effective way.

Best data collection methods

Data collection includes gathering, storing, accessing, and using the original information. A great tool allows you to capture almost any type of information, without having to worry about internet connection.
A good data collection technique need to have a low barrier to entry and help you automate a workflow. Below you will find some popular data gathering methods.

Case studies

A case study is an intensive and systematic investigation of a topic where the researcher examines in-depth data relating to several variables. This type of research use surveys, statistics and qualitative data collection techniques.

Usage data

Already collected data can be useful for taking relevant decisions. Usage data is the most effective way of evaluating the true relevancy of gathered information


The checklist is a list of points that needs to be completed or evaluated. They are formats designed to carry out or to review repetitive activities, to verify a list of requirements or to collect data in an orderly and systematic manner.


It is a data collection technique that is performed by monitoring the subject. Observation is way of gathering data by watching behaviours, events, or observing physical characteristics in their natural setting. Observations might be performed continuously or during a timeframe.


An interview is a data collection technique that can be performed on a one-on-one basis or in groups. During interviews, the data can be collected using stenography, video recordings, audio recordings, or written notes.

Focus groups

This data collection technique is used for understanding certain habits of participants, assignment types and more. A focus group is a market research method that brings together a group of people in a room to provide feedback regarding a product, service, concept, or a marketing campaign.


A survey is defined as a research method used for collecting data from a pre-defined group of respondents to gain information and insights on various topics of interest. Surveys are performed through questionnaires. A standard set of questions are used for performing the survey of any specific topic.

Tips to get accurate data

Simplify your form

The more questions you have on your forms, the more likely you are to have incomplete or inaccurate information. To avoid this situation, always try to simplify your questions and forms.

Move to a mobile digital platform

Using digital forms, you don’t have to worry about bad handwriting or dropping off forms at the head office each week. It is far easier to collect data deploying digital forms than using paper forms.

Use a variety of fields, not just text

To get better data from your workers, use these different form features and diverse types of questions such as dichotomous, multiple choices, rating questions and matrix table questions among others.

Use mobile-friendly forms

They are highly functional and easy to view, complete, and can be used on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet.

Tell your workers about the results

If you want your workers to stay committed, tell them about the results you can achieve with your mobile forms such as addressing unexpected issues faster and providing solutions straight away. Until you show them the value achieved by using mobile forms, your staff aren’t going to make it a priority.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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