How can your organization benefit from the electronic signature?

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Tools of digital technology nowadays offer benefits that if seized, help boost the performance of any traditional process still depending on a physical medium. It’s the case of the electronic signature: a legal concept and the electronic equivalent to a person’s unique signature, the electronic signature means a person accepts the contents of an electronic message by any validated electronic means.
The implementation of the electronic signature is gaining strength on its own merits, and it’s expanding into the private sector while governments are catching up on its implementation.
In that regard, in an article at the newspaper Estrategia, Raúl Ciudad, president of ACTI (Chilean Association of Companies of Information Technologies), points out that in support of the State modernization, the Chilean government implemented a year ago the Advanced Electronic Signature, which allows public and private documents and instruments to be certified thanks to an encrypted system which protects personal data and signatures, in order to identify a user who carries out administrative tasks via Internet as safely as possible.
“The implementation of this mechanism”, adds Ciudad, “it’s a system of identity of third parties with high security standards and cutting-edge technology. The identity card works as an authorization token to be used as a transactional process”.
So, what does it take for the electronic signature to definitely become massive on a large scale, replacing the traditional signatures on pieces of paper?
Just information. Knowing the benefits of the electronic signature is a very important factor for the digitalization to expand even further. That’s why we present a series of advantages that the electronic signature can offer, thanks to the blog Firma-e:

   1. Legal validity of electronically signed documents

Once an organization has implemented the electronic signature, it can generate signed digital documents with full legal validity, with all the assurances and guarantees that this validity can bring in any of its commercial operations.

   2. Increase of productivity

The regular use of the electronic signature optimizes work processes, reduces mistakes and speeds up the reception and dispatch of documents, so the result is an increase in the productivity of the organizations which trust this system.

   3. Simplification and automation of document management

With a system of electronic signature, we can forget the old problems such as filing documents, classification, maintenance and the scan of many documents, replacing all those processes with automated management processes.

   4. Cost savings

In general, the cost of automation and digitalization is a way which, in the short or middle term, ends up saving costs for companies and organizations applying it. In fact, in many cases that is the main reason for them to adopt it.

   5. Paper reduction

Not much to explain here, but if we work, or if we run a medium or big company, we’ll soon be able to calculate all the benefits in terms of costs and processes, which represent a drastic reduction of the paper the organization uses.

   6. Reduction of mistakes as manual processes are eliminated

The simplification the electronic signature brings gets translated into less risks of making mistakes in those processes. Less people involved, less mistakes.

   7. Availability anywhere

Thanks to the abilities that the new mobile technologies offer, now you can have your client’s signature instantly, capturing it from a smartphone. The instant availability to Internet, apart from the use of smartphones anywhere, now makes possible the dream of having transactions signed by the client in real time and with no obstacles of time and distance.
These are some of the general benefits of the implementation of the electronic signature, but not the only ones, because each company, organization or administration can find its own particular benefits considering their needs and the system’s capacity to adapt to them.

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