Go paperless in 2022

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The technology is changing the way we live, from the way we communicate with others to way we shop and work. For instance, a couple of decades ago, everybody was using atlas or paper maps to search for an address. Now we have Google Maps and other apps that provide satellite imagery and street maps, that help us become paperless.

In business, the use of cloud computing, machine learning and predictive analytics are creating new methods to increase productivity and improve business processes.

Technology is in the air, water, food, education, business, office, marketing, communication, traveling, shopping, banking and in everything that is involved in our daily life. Technology is one of the most valuable tools that we have available at our finger tips and we should take advantage of it to put our organization in a better position to become more efficient and responsive in today’s ever changing marketplace.

Without a doubt, technology has had a great impact on the paper industry. Newspaper circulation is decaying and the trend is to shift toward a paperless world. The idea has long been raised by technologists and environmental advocates as a way of leading us to the next phase of modern business.

However, despite enormous advances in technology in recent years, most companies seem to be dubious of how to make paperless a reality. Could 2022 be the year that your business finally can accomplish that goal?

Making paperless a reality

Most businesses are fine reducing paper in some areas of their business, but few are committed to becoming totally paperless because there’s certain level of concern and dismay that comes with it. However, going paperless is far easier than most companies realize. Here are a few ways you can get started:

  • Scan and recycle your paper files

When a paper document comes into the office, scan it, upload it to your digital archive and recycle the piece of paper. Check all your file storage cabinets and convert paper files to a digital format. Then shred and recycled the old papers and documents.

  • Switch to digital files

Ask your clients, suppliers and stakeholders to send digital copies of documents and switch to digital receipts instead of sending paper bills and invoices. Most other businesses would actually prefer to email or upload files instead of printing and mailing. However, when you’re given the choice, opt for digital copies of documents over paper copies.

  • Use digital signature

Digital signatures lead to faster approval processes because they can reduce document turnaround time by 80%. Additionally, they can also lower the costs of printing, mailing, copying, scanning and filing in paper formats Digital signatures not only can help you to go paperless, they also made the documents more secured because they lock them down and their management software can automatically detect any minor change.

  • Motivate your employees to go paperless

Launch a campaign to motivate your organization to go paperless and embrace sustainable business practices. Show your employees the benefits of going paperless them and how it will make their jobs easier. If they see the time and effort they can save, they would be more likely to be on board with the change.

  • Get an efficient software and provide the necessary training

While your employees are preparing and getting the training needed to go paperless, you should try to find the right digital document management system that will help to manage and store documents. There are many digital document management systems out there for you to choose from, so you need to do your research and compare your options before making a decision. Make a list of the tools you need in a DMS service, as well as the things you want additionally.

  • Use paperless apps

Track your paper usage before and after the implementation of paperless practices and share the outcome with your organization, monetizing the results to amplify the impact of your findings.

Going paperless doesn’t have to be hard, especially if you know what tools will help you do it. After you finish the steps for going paperless, much less effort is required to stay paperless. Keep in mind that going paperless can benefit your business and the planet.

Download the DataScope app and start now!

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With DataScope, your team can answer custom mobile forms from their phones or tablets, online or offline, through the app.

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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