Discovering new uses for form builders

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We have all been there: we walk in a store to buy something, and whether because nobody helped us, or because the payment system went down, we decide to walk out. That explains one of the most common concerns of company managers: to make the customers’ shopping experience as easy as possible. Simplifying the shopping experience for potential buyers becomes their priority, even further if it’s an online purchase.
E-commerce companies use form builders as key digital tools allowing customers to finish their purchases. For a number of reasons, however, the contact form or the shopping cart on a website become barriers for average or impatient users.
“There are many online shops and companies out there wasting business opportunities and leads because of contact forms or registry forms filled with mistakes. In most cases, these are small details that can be solved easily, and they make the difference between a satisfactory user experience or a frustrating one, which could result in the loss of a potential buyer”, indicates the website TicBeat.
According to figures available from the industry, the shopping cart abandonment rate in e-commerce ranges between 60 and 80%. According to an article from La, this is normal in the e-commerce field because is very easy for users to do so, and to reduce that rate the key is to understand what happened and why are they leaving. Luckily this complex customer-form relationship has already been noticed by a large part of the online industry, which has led to substantial improvements in the shopping experience.

An invisible problem

The managers’ concern to make online shopping processes friendlier gets reduced with the help of efficient form builders, which can avoid customers from being spooked when buying something. However, internally, there are cumbersome and inefficient processes related to paper forms which cause even more damage to companies, and generally go unnoticed.
Obsolete data collection methods are sadly still a constant in the business world. Physical forms are still being completed on the field, instead of using much more efficient, reliable and quicker digital alternatives, and this represents an invisible problem for companies 100% committed to innovating outwards.

Advantages of the form builders

When a company detects that the data collection system is no longer up to date with the technological development, mobile and online form builders such as DataScope can help companies to create the digital documents they need to collect field data, such as work orders, inspections, reports, certifications and much more.
With the configurable forms you can choose the questions you want, the companies must only select the list of machines or services, customer support photo, signature and any data they need. Questions can be modified as many times as it’s required, making form builders tools 100% adaptable to the companies’ new needs.
Another advantage of form builders? The collected information is instantly visible, and this way the company can improve its operation drastically. With integrated tools such as GPS verification, operative chat between workers and the central office, instant notifications, among others, it’s no longer necessary to wait for the paper form to reach the office to start processing the information and evaluate the performance.
Finally, form builders such as DataScope allow companies to access a web platform where they can access dashboards, maps and different methods to export the information, thus not depending solely on the workers’ mobile devices.
To sum up, solving the obstacles most customers face while shopping must be as important for a company as innovating their internal processes to overcome low productivity and effectiveness levels, which could knock them out in face to their competitors.
DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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