Benefits of using the cloud in small business

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Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, intelligence and more—over the Internet (“the cloud”). The cloud is a centralized location on the Internet where you can store data, making it accessible anytime, anywhere, from any connected device.

What is cloud computing used for?

It can be used for different types of cloud services, including these:
Storage: stores and backs files for regular access and for sharing and syncing them across devices.
Backup: used as a backup source in case of a crash, cyberattack or other data loss.
Software as a service (SaaS): is a software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet.
Cloud hosting: provides all types of information sharing, such as email services, application hosting, web-based phone systems and data storage.
Mobile working: The cloud allows small businesses to enable remote or mobile working because users can access to data from wherever they are.

Why small businesses should embrace the cloud?

For many small business owners, cloud solutions are a great early choice. For small and midsize businesses (SMBs), the benefits of cloud computing are boundless. To begin with, it can save businesses time and money by increasing productivity and enhancing collaboration.
Another benefits include:

  • Easy to get and to use

Saving and accessing files on the cloud is easy and doesn’t require any technical skills so any member of your team can use it without any problem. It’s much easier to sign up for a cloud computing application than to buy a server, get it up and running and install software on it.

  • Automation

Most applications that use the cloud automatically update themselves, therefore, there is no need to invest in information technology to keep your storage system updated and you have time to focus on the things that matter, like developing your business.

  • Accessibility

The cloud makes information available from a central web-based hub that provides users with credentials access from any location with an internet connection so they can access any types of files from any location.

  • Save money

Instead of buying expensive hardware, businesses can simply order up data use or storage services through the cloud and pay temporary access fees. This model has generated services such as software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) which are cost efficient options for small businesses.

  • Facilitate collaboration

Cloud-based workflow and file sharing apps allow teams make updates in real time and provides them full visibility of other members’ collaborations. Therefore, employers can access, edit and share documents anytime, from anywhere.

  • Better IT security

Cloud computing gives business owners greater security because your data is stored in the cloud, you can even remotely delete data from lost laptop to avoid that relevant information getting into the wrong hands. The cloud provides ways to protect relevant data ensuring this remains accessible and secure at all times.
In summary, cloud computing offers many benefits to small businesses that want to reduce costs without sacrificing their ability to compete with larger companies. You can start small and see the benefits without making big changes. After a while, you will discover new ways to use and take advantage from the cloud.
The cloud can help your company to optimize information storage and security, but also the way your workers interact and the accuracy with which you take decisions. Is your small business using or planning to use cloud technology soon? If you are already using it, what are the benefits you are seeing so far? Share your experience with us!

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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