Benefits of cleaning inspection checklist apps

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A report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “Cleaning Services Market-Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecasts, 2014-2022,’’ establishes that the global cleaning services market is expected to grow 6.2% and reach $74,299 million by 2022. However, the higher demand also means a more competitive market for cleaning service providers which will need to optimize their services to stand out against their competitors.
Apps and technology tools can help to improve processes as they can reduce the time needed to complete tasks, simplify operations and monitor results. No matter the size or your company, it will always be hard to manage and oversees teams at different locations.
Using a cleaning inspection checklist app for quality assurance inspection managers can ensure that all the tasks are completed properly and on time. Until few years ago, daily reporting was a slow and long paperwork. Mobile technology has changed this process and provided the many advantages. Paperwork has been replaced by mobile forms and special reporting apps allow users to monitor operations in the field using their mobile devices. This procedure, what used to take 2–3 hours, now can be done in a few minutes with a slightest effort.

Innovative software for cleaning services businesses

At present, there are several digital communication tools and platforms that can help cleaning business owners to organize daily operations such as inventory control, purchasing orders, crew scheduling and shift management. Cleaning inspection checklist apps such as DataScope can track the time spent on every task to improve productivity and profitability. They also provide GPS location tracking, timesheets and daily reports. Implementing them in the right way will help your business to stay ahead of your competitors in the evolving cleaning market.

Advantages of using cleaning inspection checklist apps

  • Increased workflow efficiency

Cleaning inspection checklist apps provides managers accurate and timely data, which permit them to make the best decisions. Streamlined reporting process makes workflow more efficient and leverages the whole project contributing to its success.

  • Optimized data storage

Reporting apps allow you to keep all the data safely in one place and reduce significantly the costs of paperwork maintenance.

  • Improved project management

Cleaning inspection checklist apps can help you planning, setting up requirements, plan scheduling tasks, checking costs, resources, communication and logistics in order to provide quality services.

  • Customized goals

To motivate your cleaning team to deliver regularly outstanding services in the buildings and offices they work, you can set a score goal according to your customers’ reviews.

  • Employee performance management

Measuring and evaluating employees’ performance can be challenging. Using a cleaning inspection checklist app these procedures can be done easily and swiftly using any mobile device. These performance reviews can be tailor-made depending on your organization’s choices. The employees’ performance rate can be saved, sent to your server or cloud file storage so it can be accessed easily when are required.

  • Can work without internet connection

Members of your team could work in remote locations without Internet access. You don´t need to worry; many cleaning inspection checklist apps can work offline so users can submit data when their device does not have a network connection.  No data will be lost and the stored information would be sent in by synchronising it once a network connection is available.

  • Monitoring is easy and clear

Cleaning inspection checklist apps offer reports to better see how efficient your cleaning company is. You and your cleaning supervisors will have a detailed work ticket created automatically for any inspection having deficiencies ready to use.

  • Improved services

Cleaning inspection checklist apps enable your teams to find manners to make steady improvements to provide a high quality services.
Cleaning inspection checklist apps are the perfect solution to track facilities, sites, manage assets and teams, schedule and monitor tasks from any smart phone, mobile device or PC with a simple click of a button.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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With the # 1 platform to digitize tasks

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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