7 advantages of field data collection with mobile devices

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Field data collection can be a tricky process, which requires a lot of resources. Companies which install, monitor, or service equipment in the field, know that their productivity is directly linked to the efficiency of their methods to collect and share data between field workers and the office.
The challenges to the operational efficiency in field data collection can find some possible solutions thanks to technology, particularly with innovative mobile solutions. These replace obsolete manual processes but also provide new ways to manage the field workforce. Results bring higher productivity in field data collection tasks for companies. Although there is still plenty of room for them to grow, these improvements are being received with less and less skepticism, even by the most traditional industries.
In fact, according to Construction Dive, a Texas A&M study confirms that in the United States, the construction industry lags behind many others when it comes to using mobile apps, cloud-based systems and other technology. At the same time, more contractors are recognizing the potential cost savings that technology can offer—by omitting duplication of effort, minimizing errors and allowing quicker communication between the field and the back office.
And mobile apps have become fairly popular among contractors, according to Construction Dive: The Texas A&M poll showed 51.4% use them for field data collection, up from just over 30% the year before; and between 23% and 46% of contractors use mobile apps for project management, invitations to bid, building information modeling (BIM), accounting, customer relationship management (CRM) or estimating.
Mobile management tools are becoming established not only in the US or other developed countries. América Economía states that “According to IDC by 2019 it’s expected that over 60% of all Top 3000 companies in Latin America will have teams fully dedicated to digital transformation and innovation. Therefore companies which fall behind will see the disruption coming from all over the planet. Companies which adopt a digital transformation vision fast enough will access global scale opportunities”.
What are the reasons behind the massive use of mobile tools to carry field data collection tasks? Let’s see some advantages they provide for company executives and workers specialized in this area.

  1. Productivity boost

Platforms based upon mobile forms, such as DataScope, allow various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field data collection staff thanks to its real time indicators, saving idle times when reporting to the head office. Employees simply fill their mobile forms and submit them for an immediate evaluation remotely, boosting the company’s productivity.

  1. Cost savings

Saving idle times also saves money. Mobile forms avoid squandering resources such as transportation or paper expenses and possible data loss in the report back to the main office. DataScope offers a built-in chat to reduce reaction time during field data collection even further.

  1. Improved quality of service

Mobile forms provide faster work evaluation and more adequate metrics improving customer-facing activities. GPS-, time- and date-verified work drives differentiation and business advantage against competitors.

  1. Risks mitigation

How much money does it cost to lose information? Thanks to mobile forms that risk almost disappears. Mobile platforms allow filling the form on the field and sharing it online as part of the same process. DataScope offers robust dashboards and automated reports for improved safety.

  1. Organization of your staff’s working time

Your worker wasn’t able to finish the whole job today? Or want a form that allows your team to inspect the entry before scheduling a project? Then you’ll want an easy way to schedule an appointment from your form. Mobile tools such as DataScope allow you to organize the schedule of your workers thanks to reminders so no task is left undone, thus optimizing time.

  1. Full functionality guaranteed – even offline

Mobile forms can be completed even without network connectivity, and the information is auto-sent once connectivity is restored. This allows working without problems in remote areas or with limited connection and still benefit from the advantages these mobile forms grant.

  1. Accelerate customer billing

Field teams can fill and submit their digital work orders on their mobile devices, while a work order can be automatically processed as an invoice and e-mailed to the customer.
A proper mobile strategy for your company should be the first solution to consider if you want higher productivity for your field data collection tasks.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to manage their workforce more efficiently  thanks to it’s adaptable mobile forms which collect all the information of the work that was done.

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