5 Ways mobile technology is revolutionizing the construction industry

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The construction industry is constantly evolving, but the one thing that remains the same is that construction projects require a serious amount of coordination of people and resources in the field. At present, construction companies need to find new ways to gain a competitive edge and mobile technology gives them the opportunity to do just that. Construction managers have to keep track of their teams, schedules, daily progress, equipment, invoicing, working hours and more. Mobile technology and construction management apps allow them to improve efficiency, reduce costs and streamline processes. They also permit workers to collect real-time information and sent it to the office almost instantly.
In this age of permanent technological innovation and competitive conditions, professionals within the construction area need to find manners to increase efficiency, reduce costs and get the job done on time. Here are the 5 ways in which mobile technology is transforming the construction industry.

  1. Improving communication

When it comes to construction, mistakes accidents and changes can happen every moment. What if something happens at the site and require immediate action? Using a mobile app, supervisors can send an alert directly to the office informing about the changes or unexpected events. In this way any errors or shortcomings can be resolved in a timely manner. On a daily basis, mobile technology can be used to send reports that contain the key highlights of the journey. Due to the fact that, sometimes, construction workers might be labouring on a location without access to Internet, it is important to use a construction management app that can work offline.

  1. Optimizing tracking

Getting real-time information makes a big difference in the construction industry where companies always have multiple projects running at the same time. Their tasks usually involve lots of equipment, employees and material and managers often don’t know what’s happening or you lost track of the equipment. Having a construction management app will allow you to keep an eye on everything. Equipment is one of the major assets of any construction company. With mobile solutions, it’s become quite easier to track and manage their usage. By logging the hours for which the equipment is used and keeping a track of locations it’s put to work at, you can really improve their planning and use.

  1. Better management of field staff

Mobile technology is being used to track daily activities and critical information, and streamline collaboration between teams in the field and at the office. Mobile apps can help keep a check on all different tasks and monitor work and travel times, GPS locations and all types of activities. Improving accountability not only boost efficiency; it also brings costs down. Construction management apps can really help companies to improve their accountability and brings down the labour costs because workers can even submit their progress by sending photographs from the job-site which improve transparency to management and clients.

  1. Better project management

Construction management app can reduce project delivery inefficiencies, delays and undesirable events arising from data inaccuracy. Images, time trackers, GPS taken on-site provide a transparent and trustworthy sight of the progress of each task. This can be really useful when it comes to delivering accountability to clients or showing evidence in legal disputes.

  1. Access to more accurate information

Construction companies had to spend a lot of time and resources on data entry. Thanks to construction management app, this task has been greatly simplified. Being able to share information in real-time across the entire team – supervisors, foremen, trades, vendors and sub-contractors – helps keep projects on schedule by immediately revealing any problems that might delay construction progress and lead to significant delays.

The bottom line

Managing construction operations has always involved a high level of coordination among different teams of contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers. Thanks to the advances in mobile technologies and the development of construction management app, companies can become more competitive, save time, reduce costs and improve workflow.
Mobile apps are revolutionizing the construction industry and their benefits go from time tracking, equipment handling, better reporting, and improved performance. Let us know in what ways you would like to see mobile apps play a role in your construction company in the comments section below or you can send your requests to info@mydatascope.com We would love to hear your opinions!

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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