5 Reasons to use mobile forms for data collection

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Mobile forms have emerged as a more productive and more efficient way to gather information, that is why many organizations are switching from paper to mobile data collection.
Mobile forms have capabilities that neither paper forms, nor spreadsheets have and are great for organizations that gather a lot of quantitative data in the form of numbers, multiple choice questions, dates, and photos.

Benefits of mobile data collection

  • Get accurate information

Businesses are under great pressure to ensure that their data handling is accurate. Being able to create custom mobile forms is essential to streamline business processes and workflows.  By building form templates that require certain fields to be filled before submission, options for autopopulation, and drop-down lists you can gather more accurate data than using paper forms. Digital forms can also assure that all data is correctly captured, stored and managed.

  • Make your data gathering more efficient

Mobile forms can be shared directly with the back office, therefore, there’s no need to manually duplicate the same information. They can also help you to reduce the risk of human error, such as lost documents and incorrect data input.
Certain industries are subject to compliance requirements, such as authorizations and certifications for equipment and personnel. Digital forms also allow to create an accessible audit trail and an accountability log for data.

  • Improve data compliance

Mobile forms allow technicians and other staff members to capture data more accurately, which helps them to achieve compliance targets. Mobile data collection forms also help to detect issues quickly and automatically. As mobile forms can be made visible to multiple parts of the organization, when issues are flagged, they can be sent to the back-office to help with compliance verification.

  • Go beyond text

Paper forms are limited to text entries. However, mobile forms allow you to use different type of data such as photos, videos, GPS location, electronic signature and more. For instance, rather than attempting to describe a specific condition in words, why not add photos and videos? Rich media can be used to explain a problem or to inform customers that the issue has been fixed.

  • Streamline communications

Mobile forms make it easy for your team to communicate vital information on the fly. Since all form data can be shared instantly with the office, managers at other sites, or secure file storage systems, your office staff can have access to the same information straight away and work co-ordinately to sort any issues and to provide a service that improves the customer experience.

  • Make informed business decisions

By using accurate data, you can take responsible and informed decisions that will lead to commercial growth, evolution, and an increased bottom line. To extract value from your data, it must be accurate and relevant to your aims. A good decision is one that makes best use of the available information,
Mobile data collection saves time and money. Mobile forms have the potential to revolutionize the way your business deals with data, and if you’re not capturing accurate data, you’ll be unable to make smart data-driven business decisions.
Are you ready to start using mobile forms to automate data collection? If you want to digitalize your forms and collect all your data from any mobile device, try our services. Sign up for a free account here.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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