5 Reasons to use barcode

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Barcodes are a great tool to help business becoming more efficient because they provide a method to track and store information about goods that is far more effective compared with manually entering information. Barcodes are often overlooked as a method for reducing time and money; however, they are both cost-effective and very reliable.

What is a barcode?

A barcode is a group of vertical lines that is read by using a special scanner that interprets the information directly off of it. The information is then transmitted into a database where it can be logged and tracked. Barcodes are used in retail stores as part of the purchase process, in warehouses to track inventory, and on invoices to assist in accounting, among many other uses.
Here are some of the best reasons why using barcode scanners is good for your business.

  • Accuracy

In the old days, employees have to track manually individual items, process that could cause many human errors. Barcodes can track items with an error rate of about one error for every three million entries. Therefore, barcodes are nearly 10,000 times more accurate than manual entry. Additionally, barcodes can be customized to contain any relevant information is required.

  • Cost savings

Barcodes can save your company lots of money. Before these tools became so popular, employees tracked merchandise manual and to carry out that task, companies needed many workers. Using barcodes, tracking has become easier and organizations don’t need a lot of workers to do it. Furthermore, the barcode system reduces employee training time because is very easy to use which makes employee training less expensive. Overall, barcodes are inexpensive and, due to the fact that data is obtained rapidly and accurately, they enable informed decisions and we all know that better decision making saves time and money.

  • Speed

A barcode scan is fast and reliable, and takes far less time than entering data manually so tracking can be done quickly. Since the information is scanned directly into the computer or database, it is ready almost instantaneously. This quick turnaround ensures that time will not be wasted on data entry or retrieval. At the shops, barcodes can identify immediately the cost of goods, so clerks don’t have to type in prices and customers don’t need to wait for long time.

  • Versatility

Barcodes are extremely versatile and can be used for any kind of data collection. This could include pricing or inventory information. Additionally, because they can be attached to just about any surface, they can be used to track not only the products themselves, but also outgoing shipments and even equipment.

  • Improved inventory control

Barcodes allow you to accurately track large stocks and also look up for products in a matter of seconds. The location of equipment can also be tracked, reducing the time spent searching for it. Poor inventory management accounts for a high percentage of business failure. But adopting a barcode inventory management system your company will function efficiently and make more profits in the long term.

Barcode technology is available now

This technology is available now and can be implemented by anyone. The earlier your business adopts a barcoded inventory management system, the better it will be because it will save your company time and money in the long term.
Barcodes are not just for use at the check-out counters at the groceries. This system can help any type of organizations from retailers to health care and transport and logistics.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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