5 fields where mobile solutions are revolutionizing how companies work

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Mobile solutions have spread beyond personal use to penetrate fully into the business world. Companies’ demands for services that allow employees to use their own cell phones to stay connected during work have multiplied with time.
However, due to the lack of knowledge about the benefits they could bring to several fields, these tools are still not fully used in the work area. In Chile, only 27% of all companies have more than half of their employees working with mobile phones, a much smaller percentage than in other developed countries.
Organizations that embrace these solutions for business purposes will likely become more efficient and gain competitive advantages against those who don’t. Implementation of global mobile solutions will generate a revolution at work in at least 5 areas, which we will present here thanks to Roger Kwame Vian-Brooks:

Networking and communication

Mobile technology allows companies to have an unprecedented level of connectivity between employees, vendors, and/or customers. Workers can download applications on their mobile devices that allow them to connect with others through social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter; or the firm can use native or web-based apps to enable direct communication with these audiences in a variety of ways.
Real-time communication with the office can be important for business benefits such as efficient use of staff time, improved customer service, and a greater range of products and services delivered. Examples might include:

  • Making presentations to customers, and being able to download product information to their network during the visit
  • Quotations and interactive order processing
  • Checking stock levels via the office network
  • Interacting with colleagues while travelling – sending and receiving emails, collaborating on responses to tenders, delivering trip reports in a timely manner


Because of the interactive nature of mobile technology, sharing information through this medium allows businesses to get immediate feedback on products and services from customers. This speed and accessibility have led to faster research and development for companies, an important part of staying ahead of the competition. It has also led to product upgrades moving at a faster rate. In addition, customers and clients feel as if they have a more direct role in a company’s development.


Mobile technology has introduced a new dimension into advertising and marketing for businesses worldwide. Potential customers now see business ads on mobile phones through a wide variety of mobile marketing technologies including: SMS (text) messaging, mobile websites, mobile applications, banner ads, QR codes, IVR messaging and more.
These advertisements can be customized to reach a more specific, targeted audience thanks to a software that “reads” the website or information individuals are seeking on their mobile device and displaying ads that relate to that info. Marketing becomes more effective by this customization, and because most customers / potential customers have a mobile device with them, their exposure to advertisements is increased.


Mobile ticketing
Tickets can be booked using mobile phones through a variety of technologies. Customers then are able to use their tickets immediately, by showing it in their phones at the venue. It can be a simple screenshot or a QR code, among others.
Mobile vouchers, coupons and loyalty cards
Mobile services can also be used for the distribution of vouchers, coupons, and loyalty cards. These items are represented by a virtual token that is sent to the mobile phone. A customer presenting a mobile phone with one of these tokens at the point of sale receives the same benefits as if they had the traditional token.
Location-based services
Knowing the location of the mobile phone user allows location-based services such as local discount offers, local weather, news, and sports. But, also, thanks to the geo-location of apps such as DataScope, field work in several industries can be evaluated with GPS-verified reports.

Benefits for customers

Mobile solutions can improve the services you offer to customers. For example, when meeting with clients you can access your firm’s customer relationship management system – over the internet – allowing you to update details while away from the office. Alternatively, you can enable users to pay for services or goods without having to write a check or swipe a credit or use cash.

Download the DataScope app now for free!

DataScope is an app which sets the perfect example of the potential of mobile, communication-oriented solutions. It’s a platform that allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs, replacing paper forms delivered to the central office, with reports from the field and real time performance indicators. The GPS, time and date-verified work also includes a chat-line to improve the execution and reduce the reaction time.

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