4 technology trends for business in 2022

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The advance of new technology trends is relentless and the new developments are having a huge impact on business. That is the reason why everybody is keen to know which innovations will become the ‘next big things’ for 2022.

Many of the new developments will shape the world, the future and the way of making business. Disruptive new technology trends are going bring the future closer but entrepreneurs must also evolve and change at the same pace of the technology. Or, they could be left behind.

These are four technology trends that are worth to watch closely in 2022.

  • Machine Learning will advance Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In 2019, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence will be embedded in the business platform creating and enabling smart business operations. Advances in Machine Learning technology and algorithm training will result in new and more advanced AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and associated technologies will be present across many industries and specialists suggest that Machine Learning would become more popular over the next year. Also, machine learning models will become easier to use by business and will increase the productivity of data.

  • Big Data will keep growing

Big Data is now an established part of gathering Business Intelligence. In 2022, some tools and technology trends will be more popular than others. New Big Data concepts and technologies will appear on the market, and older technologies will fade away. The continuous growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has provided several new resources for Big Data.

However, new technologies will change not only how Business Intelligence is gathered, but how business is done.
During 2022 we will see a rise of dark data which is basically information that has not been used for analysis or decision making. As analytics are becoming the main feature of any organization, these analogue databases will be transformed into digital form and migrated to cloud.

  • Digital transformation becomes table stakes

Digital transformation will become imperative for all businesses, from the small to the enterprise. What is digital transformation? It’s a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge their existing conditions, experiment and test new tools and systems.

Digital transformation involves a change in leadership, different thinking, the encouragement of innovation, the incorporation of digitisation of assets and the use of technology to improve the experience of your company’s employees, customers and stakeholders.

During 2022, businesses and IT teams must create a unified digital strategy to address technology limitations that may be holding companies back from digitally transforming. Digital transformation will require changes in technologies, skills and culture that will help forge new business models

  • Global Internet of Things (IoT) security breach

IoT has been a hot topic for many years but adoption has never lived up to projections. There are few reasons for this. Security has been a big concern and has probably made some companies hesitant. The lack of standards and its subsequent contribution to the overall perception of complexity surrounding IoT is likely another factor. Projects have also been challenged by the lack of skilled and experienced resources, which at best has slowed down many initiatives and at worst hampers the ability to develop coherent project proposals.

Analyst firm Gartner forecasts that 20.4 billion connected devices will be in use worldwide by 2022. And with the rise of autonomous things –I will call this the Internet of Autonomous Things (IoAT)– there is a good chance that many of these things will show a certain level of weak security. 2019 will be a relevant year for IoT manufacturers and their supply chain to increase the security standards in all their products before they reach the market.

The digital transformation will certainly continue to change how we do business—in every industry. For digitization to work it needs to be accompanied by an inspiring vision of how digital will create a brighter future with shared value for the whole organization. Employers have to provide a clear digital road-map for all employees in order to achieve the digital business objectives.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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