3 KPIs to measure the productivity of your teams in mobile work

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Technological advances in connectivity have allowed a significant number of people to carry out their work mobile, either moving between different places or points away from the office.

Although this work system provides greater flexibility and a more comprehensive and accurate outreach with clients, the absence of computers in the office creates greater difficulties when evaluating them and measuring their productivity.

For this, we can use three different KPIs to measure the productivity of mobile work teams.

By KPI (Key Performance Indicator) we understand a series of metrics that allow us to identify the performance of an action or strategy, and indicate the level of performance based on previously set objectives. They are very useful to determine which actions have been most effective in meeting the objectives of a specific process or project.

Its use is highly recommended since it provides us with useful information for the company and allows us to analyze what were the effects generated on a certain strategy, and above all to compare the data obtained to determine if our work was effective, and based on this, make decisions timely.

1.- Travel KPI

In this context, to measure the productivity of the teams in the field, it is highly recommended to use the Travel KPI, which contains performance indicators on the quality of the service that our collaborators are delivering, such as the speed of response, which shows us the speed when the person arrives at the location of the incident, how long it took to fix the problem, and notify them to finish the job.

Another important point is to determine the travel time required by the collaborator, since knowing the route used, the fuel costs and other details, will allow future planning, routes or more efficient strategies that allow generating savings in transport.

2.- Service KPI

Another KPI necessary to consider is the Service KPI, an indicator that can be managed from a management software or a tool such as the Net Promoter Score, which allows us to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction towards the company based on recommendations. that they do to their acquaintances.

The Net Promoter Score, better known as NPS, is based on the question to the user “how likely is it that you will recommend the product or service to a family member or friend?” To do this, they are asked to rate on a scale from 0 to 10, where zero is “Very unlikely” and 10 is “I would definitely recommend it.” According to the results, we can classify our clients into three different categories: promoters, liabilities and detractors:

In this case, those who respond by assigning 9 or 10 points are what we call “promoters”; then, those who assign us 7 or 8 points are the “liabilities”, while those who give 6 points or less are the “detractors”.

Once this classification is obtained by the users, a simple operation is carried out to obtain the final result: the detractors are subtracted from the promoters and a percentage is obtained, in order to measure the quality of the service. With this, the “NPS Index” is obtained, which can go between -100 (the worst possible result because all our users would be detractors) or reach a maximum of 100. In any case, an NPS greater than 0 is perceived as good and an NPS of 50 is excellent.

It is also possible to measure the service time in order to detect which are the weaknesses of our teams and, based on that, develop training that allows them to increase their strengths and thus perform their functions more quickly and effectively. This will allow us to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers.

3.- Scheduling KPI

A third important KPI is Scheduling, which provides us with two very useful indicators such as staff attendance controls and scheduling of services, since they allow us to store data on the quality and effectiveness of the mobile work team.

These data can be contrasted with the different teams and by analyzing them, we can make corrections in the process of scheduling services, such as, for example, reducing staff overtime and distributing the tasks of the members in a more balanced way.

When evaluating our mobile work teams, we have to take into account three key aspects: the behavior of the staff in the performance of their duties, the quality of the service they deliver to the client and, above all, their level of commitment to the company. For this, there are three other important KPIs to apply to determine the performance of these units: the rate of errors and the rate of completed jobs.

If we consider these KPIs, it will be possible for us to determine which trainings we must carry out, which services we should promote and which processes we must standardize. For this, it is important to remember that when the customer’s problem is resolved during the first visit, it is very likely that their level of satisfaction will be much higher.

Therefore, it is always important to remember that incidents and problems related to the provision of a service and human errors that can be avoided mainly by standardizing the work and training the team.

A final indicator that we must keep in mind for this item is the execution time of the service, measuring the different stages of the service, from administrative work, assignment of tasks, route scheduling and other issues related to the provision.

Performance indicators are fundamental metrics so that we can evaluate different aspects of our company, since they can show us with certainty the state in which the organization is, because it reveals details that can go unnoticed such as the performance of the personnel and the quality of the work that we are delivering when they perform functions outside the company’s facilities.

Digital tools are key to managing work teams in the field, especially because they can detect failures that can harm our business, so it is highly recommended to have service management software.

In this context, the technology specialized in Field Service Management is developed to take care of all the needs required by companies engaged in field work, especially with regard to processes related to the value chain of these services, such as planning, scheduling, mobility, work execution, and even the comments, opinions and all the feedback from customers and the due subsequent analysis of the business thanks to the reports generated with the data collected.

The software or applications for field service management have functions such as:

Automated scheduling and dispatch: they allow you to select and assign technicians for a certain job automatically, using parameters such as distance and skills (specialty) of the worker.

Business Intelligence: it is possible to track the entire operation. In addition, the BI tool is capable of converting large amounts of data into insights to improve the business.

Digital forms: mobile teams can generate digital forms or checklists that show the steps to follow or upload key information to the platform.

Vehicle navigation and tracking: the location of the technician that has been dispatched can be monitored in real time by both the company and the customers.

Access to invoicing or estimates: field professionals can issue invoices or generate estimates in the place where they are doing the work, without having to go to the headquarters.

Thanks to the KPIs to measure the performance of our mobile teams together with all the functionalists who provide us with the software and APP designed for this area, it will be possible for the company to review all the information collected by the indicators to make better decisions, knowing the real productivity level of the company without intermediaries and with a low margin of error.

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Picture of Ignacio Morgan
Ignacio Morgan

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