Field operations, enhanced by mobile forms

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Smartphones clearly have made an impact in changing things, not only in our private lives. Mobile apps are also causing a revolution in the labour market.
For example, big and small companies specialized in field operations are incorporating software for mobile devices available at all times for its workers, and they are setting the trend in terms of technology application for teleworking.
An article of the newspaper Diario Financiero titled “The office everywhere” analyzes the recent changes the technology has brought in our work habits. As the text points out, today it’s possible to work without even setting a foot at the office, which reduces stress and increases the productivity.
The article states that the irruption of the millennials, the penetration of mobile devices and simpler cloud solutions are allowing workers worldwide, no matter their job position, to work from anywhere and at any time, without having to be physically at the office. It’s a new cultural but also technological revolution which allows using your personal notebook to access the company’s inner platforms, and work together with information stored at the cloud, among other tasks.
The demands from new workers who’ve grown accustomed to the use of technology are clearing a path for these trends to penetrate even further, beyond corporations or multinational companies, so they can be exploited by small companies as a reachable way to increase their productivity.
Companies specialized in field operations management know that time is money: it’s necessary to keep a strict control on the progress made, and a constant report from their workers is required to make sure the job is done on time in order to achieve the best results in terms of customer satisfaction. That´s why so many companies are already applying technological solutions to turn the field reports from an insurmountable problem into an advantage seized efficiently.
There are mobile tools for field operations such as DataScope which help replace physical forms, allocate tasks, collect information from the field, and send it to the central office just by pressing a button.
Mobile forms send information to the central office in real time, which includes the time stamps, photos, GPS location and signature that can be embedded directly into forms. All the information is completed on the field, saving time and reducing field operation problems which arise from information gaps of paper reports.
Given the amount of time that passes from report to report, the use of obsolete paper forms for field operations prevents a closer relationships with clients. By regularly sending real-time photos from the field, automated emails, and completion notifications, you can keep clients engaged and tighten the communication loop. Maintaining a two-way conversation based on your good results on your field operations can help you prosper relationships and build rapport even more.
To sum up, mobile apps for field operations have completely changed the traditional way of collecting data and sending reports. Today sectors as diverse such as banks,insurance companies, courier services, construction and retail companies have already improved their field operations using mobile apps, and the trend keeps growing.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to manage their workforce more efficiently  thanks to its adaptable forms which collect all the information of the work that was done.
You may want to keep reading: Mobile solutions to field services

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