Mobile technology trends to watch out for in 2021

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During last year mobile has been a central part in our lives and everything indicates that this trend will continue to be strong in 2020. There are many reasons to expect that this year will be a big year for  mobile developments.
Here we have compiled some of the main mobile trends to watch out for in 2020.

Mobile trends 2020


The impact of 5G will be huge. However, it will take time for this new generation of networks to be the norm and for the mass adoption of these new technology solutions. A report, carried out by the GSMA, a global organization that represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, estimates that by 2025 there will be 1.2 billion 5G connections, only 14% of total connections. We still need the development of infrastructure and public policies to allow cities to reach their potential and reach the technological level that enables 5G, but by year-end, we can expect to see a shift from currently used 4G services to the 5G wireless network.

“Always-Connected” devices

In recent years, there has been a slow build of “always-connected” devices. Signs are pointing to 2020 as the year when this trend will become more popular because of the expansion of 5G availability. At present, Lenovo is working with Qualcomm to develop “the world’s first 5G PC,” that will be an always-connected laptop that uses Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X55 5G modem.
“Always-connected” devices have an easy set-up process, very much alike to a smartphone, and can be activated on the Microsoft Store, with service providers, or online.

Foldable android devices

The appeal of foldable phones is clear: you get the power of a big screen that can fold up for maximum portability. Samsung, LG, Lenovo’s Motorola, and others have been working hard making products with flexible display. However, it will be 2021 before we start seeing foldable devices with a reasonable price tag. The foldable phone industry is still very young, so we can expect to see many more phones circulating the market during this year. There are signs that foldable Android devices could be a much bigger theme in 2020 and Microsoft plans to come out with a foldable phone soon.

AR Accessories

The main thing about Augmented Reality (AR) is the superimposition of virtual objects and information over a real-world environment in real-time to make the user experience more immersive. The use of Augmented Reality is expected to increase in the next few years and companies such as Google and Apple already developed tools such as ARCore and ARKit to make easier for developers to create AR apps. Apple is planning to launch its first augmented-reality headset and other products during the second quarter of 2020. They are also working with third-party brands on the development of augmented-reality glasses.

New battery technology

In 2020, fast charging will come in the form of new types of batteries, which can fully charge in under 30 minutes. Samsung has confirmed their plans on switching from traditional lithium-ion batteries to graphene-powered batteries, which will be smaller, can charge 5 times faster than lithium-ion batteries and will be able to hold up to 45% more capacity.
Researchers from Monash University in Australia have developed a more efficient lithium-sulphur battery. This version allowing sulphur cathodes to handle higher loads without a decrease in capacity, performance or stability.
With all these mobile development trends, the industry will continue to expand at a rapid pace. The competition among the developers and mobile app makers will be intense than ever in 2020 and it is essential that you understand all these trends before you start working with them.
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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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