How to use mobile forms?

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Mobile forms are applications designed for mobile devices that allow the creation and submission of forms that contain a wide variety of information. In the world of business mobile forms help companies with employees in the field to optimize their data collection process because they present a more effective and accurate way than traditional paper forms.

When to use mobile forms?

Offsite and remote locations

When companies manage projects in diverse locations where the access to internet is limited, mobile forms are the solution to share relevant information and reports about completed tasks. The offline functionality of mobile forms allows workers and supervisors to collect data in real time and send it to internal or external stakeholders straight away.

Daily reports

Many businesses require daily progress reports to keep supervisors and manager informed about specific projects and tasks and regarding the progress made every day. By using mobile forms, employees can send the required information from a mobile device.

Maintenance reports

Any maintenance work requires maintenance reports that need to be issued after the assignment is finished. When they are executed in the traditional way all the details from the maintenance inspection need to be delivered or scanned into a computer and send it over to the headquarters. Mobile forms simplify the data collection and the delivery of the report.


Mobile forms can speed up billing processes by sending invoices after the job has been finished. Having access to invoices faster allow managers to keep track of the expenses instead of waiting until the full project is finished.

Industries that benefit from using mobile forms

Many industries can benefit from using mobile forms but for this five areas, implementing a form of mobile device management solution is crucial.


This industry requires the generation of daily reports about project’s status that need to get delivered in real time. Mobile forms improve the efficiency of safety inspections, incident reporting, work orders and more. They also allow managers and supervisors to get the information they need in an accurate and timely manner.

Transport & Logistics

Logistic companies manage a group of drivers who need to deliver products to multiple addresses. Using mobile forms, they can include photos, GPS locations, signatures and time stamp and send the information immediately to the headquarters. By doing this, dispatchers can keep clients informed about the progress of transport and delivery.

Engineering & Architecture

In these areas, collecting data in the fields and make inspections are daily tasks. Mobile forms can make engineers and architects’ life easier by allowing them to carry out inspections and audits when they are in the field.


In the energy industry, inspections are a daily occurrence. Using a mobile form app with GPS enable features, you can provide real time updates to the whole team. Mobile forms provide a streamlined workflow that saves energy companies time and money, and grants accurate results that are easily accessible to decision makers.


Mining is a highly regulated industry due to the potential risks that workers face on a daily basis. To avoid any accident or error, this industry requires an effective two-way communication between headquarters and remote field sites. Mobile forms simplify the data collection processes, eliminates the inefficiency of paper and provide accurate and real time insights.

How do you use mobile forms for data collection?

Users who need to fill out the mobile forms in the field must download the software provider’s mobile application on their mobile device. Once they log into the mobile application, they will have access to their company’s forms- All they need to do is to pick the right one, fill it out and submit it. With some mobile forms data collection solutions, you will be able to control the access. Submitted data are immediately available to the other members of the team to get reviewed and analysed. Some mobile forms applications such as DataScope will allow you to collect data offline and submit the form when a connection is available.
Mobile forms software solutions integrate with your other business tools and systems to enhance existing forms workflows. With mobile forms automation you can streamline business workflows and simplify your data collection strategy.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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