How to create a powerful digital survey?

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Surveys apps are a great tool to obtain feedback without spending too much time and effort. Due to the fact that all the tasks are automated, it becomes easier for a company to design and run a survey. For users, it is also easy and less time consuming to give their feedback.

For businesses, surveys apps are great to track brand awareness or customer engagement as they allow businesses to ask specific questions to large samples of customers and then analyze the results to uncover patterns and trends. They can also be used to monitor employees’ performance and check planned tasks.
Survey apps can drastically decrease the costs and time required to conduct a survey while greatly increasing the number and quality of responses. A digital survey can be created and distributed in few minutes. All it takes is a few clicks, and it can be sent out using mobile devices
The purpose of doing a digital survey or any type of survey is to collect data. The great thing about digital surveys or survey apps is that you can roll them out easily and quickly and once those results start flooding in, you can see real-time answers which facilitate the subsequent analysis.

Advantages of using survey apps

Survey apps are an efficient tool that businesses can use for attracting new customers and keeping the regular ones.
These kind of surveys might have a better response rate that the personal interviews or phone interviews because respondents may be more willing to share personal information because they’re not disclosing it directly to another person.
Digital questionnaires can offer further opportunities for business improvement because they allow your company to save expenses and time.
You can collect fast responses compared to traditional methods and the results can be viewed in real time for quick action. You can also download the information collected for further analysis.
To sum up, survey apps can help boost and improve business for companies that use them,

How to create digital surveys correctly

No matter what type of survey app you are using, there are still best practices for creating digital surveys that obtain valuable insights. These are some steps to follow if you want to create effective surveys.
Define the study’s objectives. What are you trying to discover? Why do you need to do the survey? What insights are you hoping to gain? What actions do you want to take with the results?
Keep it short and simple. Users don’t really like surveys that are too long. A survey should take less than fifteen minutes to answer it.
Get feedback about the survey asking the users “how easy is it for the respondent to provide information on the topic requested. This will help you to know if they have trouble understanding what you wanted If it is difficult, find a better way to obtain the information.
Make sure that every question is necessary. Every question in the survey should be relevant to obtain the insights you attempt to get. It is advisable to plan your survey by identifying the data you need to collect and then writing your questions.
Be specific. Create survey questions that explore one idea at a time to ensure your respondents can understand what you are asking. Vague, general, multi-part questions can be confusing and difficult to answer.
Determine the question type that is best suited to answer the question and get the best information. Use open-ended text questions, dichotomous, multiple choice, rank order, scaled, or constant sum (ratio scale) questions as appropriate.
Keep a question library and browse it and choose from a wide range of professionally written questions.
Pre-test the survey to 20 or more people. Obtain detailed feedback. What were they unsure about? Did they have questions? Did they have trouble understanding what you wanted? Did they take a point of view not covered in your answers or question?
Keep an eye on the design. The visual design of the survey will also have an impact on the success of the study. The better the visual design of your survey, the easier it is for your respondents to complete your survey and the higher the response rate that you will get.
Check the response rates and take measures to improve it. The rate of a response for any particular survey may depend greatly on the availability and reachability of the target audience and knowing the best way to deliver a survey to that audience. Response rates may also depend on the sensitivity of the topic, the questions chosen and the visual design of the survey. If the response rate that you are obtaining is too low, you should analyse the reasons and implement the necessary changes.
To sum up, survey apps are a great option for people and organisations who would like to conduct their own research because they are less time consuming, cheaper, you get the results faster, and you can transfer and use the data in various applications.
Currently there many survey apps in the market that facilitate the data collection process. Before choosing one, you might checs their pros and contras and select the one that is more appropriate for your organization and for the type of information that you want to collect
Start now creating your own online surveys with Form Builder, Datascope’s user-friendly survey software application.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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