How digital checklists help you to perform an inventory audit

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Inventories are necessary for any business to have a grip on their financial situation, to cut down on losses and to get rid of obsolete items. An inventory is an asset, therefore, it’s important to manage it like you manage other business assets. There are different types of inventories that can be conducted: raw materials, work-in-process and finished goods The first one deals with the manufacturing process: raw materials that are used to create a finished product. The second one includes materials that are waiting to be transformed into a finished product while the last ones are the final products you get after converting the raw material.
Running a warehouse inventory is not easy. Performing an inventory using paper checklists could be a waste of time as data need to be filled in manually. If you lose the papers, all the information is gone and retrieving it can be challenging. Digital checklists can ease the process and will help you to improve efficiency and productivity in many ways.

Benefits of using a digital inventory audit checklist

Having a checklist of all the items is the first step to execute an inventory. A digital inventory audit checklist will help you to keep all your data regularly updated and presented systematically. Here we have listed 6 advantages of using digital warehouse inventories:

Keep your data organised

Digital inventory audit checklists will help you to organize your items and product information.Successful inventory management is a direct result of efficient data analysis. If your product data is accurate, you will avoid errors and executing the inventory will be easier.

It will save you time

They help you save time because you can do quicker reporting and real-time follow-ups of the issue. A digital inventory audit checklists allow you to have pre-listed taska in your checklists so you can directly fill them up as you go along with your inventory, while sending notifications to other team members if required. Also, the same checklist can be reused for different task so there is no need to elaborate new ones.

You save money and trees by reducing your paper consumption

By saving a ton of paper, you can save 17 trees, 26000 liters of water, 4000 kilowatt of power supply and 240 liters of fuel. According to paper industry statistics, a typical office worker produces 160 kilograms of paper waste. Almost have of that amount (45%) s thrown away one day after the printing.

You can add pictures of items to your checklist

By adding an image of the item on your records you can easily identify if the item has the correct tag which ease the identification of any particular product.

You will be able to send reports in one click

Digital checklists speed up the processes, get the insights earlier and share reports straight away so the rest of the team can proceed with their tasks sooner.

You can save the findings for future inventories

All the findings can be organized into the inventory system so that the results can be referenced for future inventories an analysis.
Do you need to check what is remaining in your stock? Then, learn everything about our digital checklist to arrange your inventory process in the best way possible. With DataScope you can build your own digital checklists and inventory checking. Sign up for free now!

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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