Definitive guide to cloud computing and its functionalities

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Cloud computing is not only one of the greatest digitization tool; it plays undeniably a key role in today’s technological progress. In simple words, cloud computing allow storing and accessing data and programs over the internet rather than the computer’s hard disk. This technology provide quick access to flexible and cost-effective IT resources so you do not need to invest in advanced hardware. Cloud computing grants an easy access to servers, storage, databases and a full range of application services over the Internet.

Types of cloud computing

There are different types of cloud computing which are:


Software as a Service provides use of the software on demand. The remote access is possible because of service providers, host applications and their associated data at their location. The main benefits of the SaaS is that is not an expensive service due to the fact that users have to pay for some of the basic costs


PaaS stands for Platform as a Service and can help users by providing the facility to make, publish, and customize the software in the hosted environment. It also has several benefits such as lower costs and the fact that the user only pay for the essential things. The host of a PaaS has the hardware and software of its own so, there is no need to install hardware and software to execute a new application.


IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service allow clients to use IT hardware and software just by paying the basic price of it. With the help of visualization, the host can manage and create the infrastructure resources at the cloud. The IaaS provide advantages to small companies that can benefit with the infrastructure rather than spend a large amount of money on hardware and infrastructure. IaaS is easier, faster, cost-efficient which and it reduces the burden of the organizations.

Advantages of cloud computing

The adoption of solutions and services in the cloud has many advantages and benefits. Some of them are:

  • Get rid of costs for operating and maintaining data centers

Focus on projects that make your company stand up in the market, instead of being concerned about the infrastructure. Cloud computing allows you to focus on other aspects of your business rather than setting up, populating, and operating server cabinets.

  • Increase agility

When using cloud computing services, IT resources are always just a click away. This leads to a relevant increase in the agility of processes and operations.

  • Flexible capacity

No more uncertainty in determining the infrastructure capacity requirements. Customers can access as much or as little capacity as needed and adjust their demands as desired.

Cloud computing deployment methods

There are three different ways to deploy cloud computing resources: public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud.
Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider that deliver computing resources like servers and storage over the Internet using a web browser. Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure are examples of a public cloud.
A private cloud is used in-house and exclusively by a single business or organisation. The peculiarity here is that a private cloud can be physically located on the company’s on-site datacenter.
A combination of both public and private clouds leads to what we call hybrid cloud. The advantage here is that a hybrid cloud allows data and applications to be shared between them. 

How can you choose a cloud provider?

Once you’ve decided to make the switch to cloud computing, your next step is to select a cloud service provider. The idea is to choose a cloud service in accordance to your business specific requirements. However, there are some common areas of focus that yous should take into consideration. We have selected 5 areas to help you compare suppliers and select a provider that can benefit your organisation and exceed your expects from expectations.

  • Certifications & Standards
  • Technologies & Service Roadmap
  • Data Security
  • Reliability & Performance
  • Business health & Company profile

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Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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