Create an elevator maintenance checklist

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Elevators are very complicated pieces of equipment that need constant maintenance to keep running safely and smoothly. Elevator malfunctions can create safety hazards and cause expensive repairs. To avoid these issues and ensure all equipment is working in good condition and in compliance with building regulations, they need regular preventive maintenance inspections. Performing regular elevator maintenance inspections can mitigate risks.

How to carry out elevator maintenance inspections?

A good elevator maintenance program should minimize risks, avoid costly repairs and ensure your elevator is working in accordance with pertinent codes and current regulations. Upon successful inspection, you will be issued a certificate which can be posted within the elevator itself.
Maintenance reports should include requesting reporting and monthly maintenance summaries. To assure that elevator maintenance inspections are performed correctly follow these steps:

  • Carry out regular maintenance

Approach planned elevator maintenance with a preventive methodology. Bear in mind that elevators that are out of service disrupt normal operations and cause inconveniences to users. Maintenance will also ensure your elevator will run smoothly.

  • Identify your problem spots

Knowing your elevator will help you to anticipate its problems and be ready to fix them. About 70% of elevator maintenance calls are due to malfunctioning unit doors, therefore, a closed loop door operator which keeps an eye on the speed at which the doors open and can be a good solution to sort this problem out.

  • Ensure that the elevator machine room is working properly

It’s not just the elevators themselves that need to be in good condition; the machine rooms do too. The elevator machine room should be self-closing and no one without authorization can have access. The room should get adequate lighting and free of any fire hazard.

  • Elevator units should be in top working order

Maintenance tasks should reveal any of the following issues: broken lights, dirtiness, elevator pit has water or debris in it, doors not working properly, fire recall service malfunctioning, emergency lights that are not working, cable measurements not in compliance with current regulations and more.

What to include in an elevator maintenance checklist?

When it comes to inspect your elevators, you can create an elevator maintenance checklist to minimize risks and keep your building operating smooth and efficiently. This checklist includes relevant elements for which to look when inspecting elevators:

Inside the car

  • Ensure the doors can open and close without obstructions.
  • Look for signs of damage on the ceiling, handrails and walls.
  • Replace any burned-out lights.
  • Check emergency phones.

Outside the car

  • Replace any lights that have burned out at each floor.
  • Check door panels and clearances.
  • Test the smoke detector and fire alarm system.

In the machine room

  • Check oil levels and ensure all systems are properly lubricated.
  • Test the smoke detector and fire alarm system.
  • Check electrical wiring.
  • Ensure there is adequate headroom for technicians.
  • Remove anything that might block access to the equipment.

On top of the car

  • Guarantee that emergency exits are easily accessible.
  • Test the brakes and examine the mechanism to make sure it is in good condition.
  • Check cables for signs of wear.
  • Look for signs of rodents or vandalism.

In the pit

  • Ensure the area has proper access.
  • Examine the pit to verify it has the necessary clearance.
  • Check the car frame for signs of damage.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but can be used as a reference. The full elevator maintenance checklist can get much more detailed.

Use DataScope mobile forms for your next inspection

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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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