3 Cases of 2.0 Installation and Management Services

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Despite the huge variety of activities they carry out, specialized companies in installation and management services face similar problems whenever measures are implemented in order to strengthen the proper existing practice according to the industry’s standards and current legal requirements. But what do all these companies have in common? The use of paper-based systems keeping track of the respective priorities of installation and maintenance services.
The sluggishness to respond in a timely manner towards complications, the overwhelming amount of paperwork and the lack of coordination between the different documents to process are the most common problems that these organizations must face daily. For an optimal monitoring of the installations’ operation, the installation and management services must be carried out by qualified professionals. In that regard, giving them the right tools close at hand is a company’s must, if it wants to stand out among the competition.
According to research firm Gartner, the cloud computing market generated 210.000 million dollars worldwide in 2016. On the other hand, IDC and Cisco reports reveal that at least 50 per cent of the companies use some sort of cloud computing as a service, such as infrastructure, software or platforms. Accordingly, companies focusing on installation and maintenance services have striven to migrate from paper-based systems towards innovative, cloud-based and mobile-based alternatives.
The information below presents 3 cases of 2.0 installation and maintenance services which made the leap to highly-advanced systems:

#1. Real-time water use monitoring

While water systems are continuously installed in counties that need it most, it is estimated that around 65 percent break because of a lack of sustainable maintenance. However, by combining Mobile money, Internet of Things (IoT), and Near Field Communication (NFC), the provision and management of clean, low-cost water, which is accessible 24/7 can be maintained more efficiently.
In this line, the website Aspire Africa informed of a joint initiative by eWater and Esaye in Gambia,  which has allowed 13,000 people to access clean water by ensuring maintenance companies receive up-to-date information on the state of the taps, so repairs can be carried out promptly.

#2. Electronic data collection for fleets

Techcrunch presents another way of using new systems for installation and maintenance services. The company EquipmentShare launched a telematics system for contractors called ES Track that allows them to automatically gather data about their equipment (excavators, cranes), whether it’s parked, being used on a job, or rented out. The data are displayed on a digital dashboard that’s easy to read on a mobile device or PC. The company sends technicians out to install the ES Track system on contractors’ equipment to get them started. The system, and installation service, has helped contractors get ready for a new federal regulation set to take effect later this year, which requires drivers to use “electronic logging devices,” to record driving time, hours of service and more about their fleets.

#3. A whole city using a cloud-based system

In the United States, there is a county called Spalding County close to Atlanta, which has already implemented a cloud-based system for instalation and maintenance services, which improves the workflows and predicts the equipment failures. Previously, ensuring that facilities were consistently maintained and preventive maintenance was scheduled was handled with a paper-based system.
But with an eye toward boosting efficiency and productivity, employees within the departments of fire, public works, water, animal control, parks and public grounds, and several others can now access and review work orders and complete them much more quickly because they can check the system regardless of their location, through mobile devices.
What is more there to say? These 3 successful cases show clearly that the path specialized companies in installation and maintenance services lays in the search for technological tools that dismiss paper forms as a valid work system.

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