Pest control software: why is it valuable to companies?

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Pest control is an interesting field to install a profitable business, as demonstrated by the great amount of specialized companies offering this service.
However, since there are multiple companies offering this service, the sector needs to adapt to more demanding customers. Home owners and companies affected by pests ask for the most efficient, fast and professional service, in line with a time signed by the access to technology.
What is the way out from this drawbacks? We can think of some, but the most accurate one is to aim at a higher professionalization and differentiation from the competition, thanks to technology.  In that regard, the pest control software for mobile devices provides a very attractive step forward in this direction and the world is taking notice of it.
Public and private initiatives are promoting the development of pest control software mainly for mobile devices. In Argentina, for example, an interdisciplinary team of the National Agricultural Technology Institute from Río Negro developed two tools for mobile devices to control pests in fruit farms, free of charge and downloadable from Google Play Store. In Spain, researches have just developed an app for smartphones which has updated and detailed information to control pests and illnesses which affect citrus fruit.
This long awaited renewal of this sector brings new air to specialized companies which offer pest control services. These companies are in charge of the follow up and the delivery of statistics for each installed trap or bait. In this regard, if there’s rodent consumption, measures must be taken to guarantee the proper operation of the facility in question, such as factories or warehouses (infecting products or eating through bags).
The most advanced pest control software platforms provide mobile solutions as pest control software all in one, which allows technicians to work more efficiently while the company saves costs and saves precious time. The pest control software solutions offer great functionality and provide management solutions allowing specialized companies in this field to cover all their needs in a fully integrated manner.

But how does the pest control software work?

DataScope provides one of the most efficient pest control software tools in the market, which allows these companies an increase of their productivity and a top-rated service experience for their clients.
Up to now technicians doing fieldwork had to complete the information by hand on paper forms, data which had to be sent to the central office for its processing, losing vital time in the process. There were very little alternatives to the traditional paper form, so the worker on the field had to complete the same information over and over.
Thanks to companies which provide pest control software tools such as DataScope, the information submitted by workers becomes 100% mobile through their smartphones, and the digital information is sent immediately to the central office for processing. Besides the mobile form includes the location of the workers, the time and signature, verifying the work was correctly done.
After the form is submitted, the client receives a proof of the visit by e-mail, reinforcing the reputation of the company.
In this way, the pest control software becomes much more than a temporary solution to a specific problem to turn into an investment that any specialized company in this field should consider if it wants to stand out before the competition.

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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