Paper forms may obstruct your manufacturing workflows with endless manual and tedious tasks. By using mobile manufacturing forms, your team can gather critical manufacturing data more expediently, increasing efficiencies whilst saving time and resources spent on operations and communication.
Here we will show you how manufacturing industry can use mobile forms on their operations;
Digital quotation allow you to calculate production totals and provide customers with a fast and professional service. Digital quotes can deliver prospective customer accurate quotes instantly and are able to generate multiple quotes for a customer for single interface.
Mobile forms allow your team to enter hours worked, straight from their phone or tablet. Mobile timesheets can have automatic calculations that provide accurate totals right away. They could also be designed to change color when workers include overtime hours.
Work orders
Digital work orders improve the efficiency and accuracy of data collection, while improving client-facing service. Work orders can gather important customer information, including project details, labor costs, and materials required to carry out a task.
Safety inspections
Mobile forms are a fast and effective way of improving workplace safety. By using digital safety inspections, workers can share inspection status, instant insights and data regarding staff and public safety. Safety inspections maximize staff efficiency, enhance worker safety and improve workflows and automation of time-consuming processes.
Once a safety inspection has been completed, it can be instantly be sent to supervisors (no matter their location) or automatically tagged with a warehouse, department, or user name.
Quality assurance checklists
Mobile manufacturing forms can be used as digital quality assurance checklists, which allow teams to monitor incoming quality assurance data in real-time. Using these tools you can run the quality specifications of product requirements and evaluate possible product defects through strict quality control standards. With a quality assurance checklist, QA/QC trends and issues can be easily identified, improving business agility and productivity.
Incident/Accident report
Mobile forms can generate digital incident and accident reports, to capture all the details. Digital incident reports also allows users to add photos of the scene and the workplace injury for insurance purposes. In general, they promote health and safety and can track all details about the employee accident and work-related injury.
Thanks to mobile forms, you can easily look up inventory lists, inventory asset accounts, balance sheets from your mobile device. You can even track other inventory management data like expiration dates, serial numbers and inventory count.
All you have to do is enter product and material data with barcode scanning, drop down menus pre-filled with product names, pre-populated product detail fields. Once completed, digital inventory forms can be stored in your server or in the cloud.
Production reports
These reports can provide information such as tasks completed, onsite personnel, delays, equipment used and more. Thanks to production data available in real-time, you can track critical productivity trends regularly and accurately capture details regarding operation’s production efficiency and identify opportunities for improvement.
Material inspections

Mobile manufacturing forms can help you to improve quality control and can highlight material defects using image fields. Material inspection forms ensure incoming raw materials meet quality standards and are delivered in the right quantity. By using barcode scanning, you can add product information such as SKU numbers, product names, supplier information, and more.
Ready to improve your manufacturing workflow? Check out how mobile manufacturing forms can transform your factory efficiencies and makes your quality control process simpler and more effective.
DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.