4 innovations that are changing the mining industry

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The mining industry has become a great laboratory for the development and application of new technologies. It has gone from being an activity where physical work was fundamental to being an activity where many teams operate remotely and where the use of efficient technology is essential.
Mining is considered one of the most productive and competitive. That is why mining companies needs technological solutions to be more efficient in this competitive market. The industry seeks for personalized service, efficient management and innovation and innovative tools. Currently, companies in the sector are recognizing the importance of digital technologies and are applying digital technology in several operations. The technologies that arouse most interest are those related to robotics / automation, drones, remote operating centres and wearables.
The four technological solutions most in demand within the mining industry are:

Process automation

Refers to the implementation of intelligent systems and technologies to operate machinery and control production without human operations involved. This technology is usually used for those tasks that might represent a risk to the workers’ welfare and health. The process automation tools have been designed to facilitate the workers’ tasks whether they are carried out in an office or outdoors. The adequate use of automation technologies in the mining industry can lead to an increase in productivity, cost reduction, optimization of operations and improvements in health and safety management and records.


This concept is closely related to the process automation, and has become one of the main needs for the industry since it allows to assign different tasks from a mobile device connected to the execution device. This process reduces the time spent by the workers in the allocated tasks and increases the efficiency in difficult jobs. Using mobile applications, work operations can be carried out in an effective and safe way. Mobility allows us to report in situ a problem detected in a visual inspection, streamlining the maintenance and supervision processes. Remote monitoring solutions are providing a platform for the complete re-engineering of many business models in the mining industry. Mobility allows remote management of the workforce, automation, assignment of tasks and scheduling of schedules and shifts of agents or scheduling.


Information security is is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information and it is fundamental for any industry. However, in the case of mining, this factor is a priority because any data exposure would have a strong impact on the economic results and on the reputation of the company. To avoid this, it is necessary to have integrated security systems that protect any confidential data from digital threats.
The use of this technology also facilitates the access to complicated areas, reduces health and safety risks and increases work effectiveness.


Currently, all industries must respect sustainability parameters. As a result, companies in the mining sector search for solutions that not only benefit the company, but also have a minimum environmental impact.
The implementation of innovative mining technologies might have an impact on the management, they will help them to reduce their administrative expenses and to develop an environmentally responsible mining industry. Technological advances will help this area to streamline their operations, increase their productivity, optimize the management of their assets, increase workplace safety while maintaining a commitment with the environment.
The complexity and diversity of sizes of mining companies generate a broad need for new technological solutions that facilitate the work of the different processes in the production chain.
New mobile, sensory and data network technologies have been put at the service of mining, improving job security and increasing operational productivity and efectiveness. These technologies cover a wide range of applications, including tele-operation tools operated through augmented reality, machinery automation; control systems with remote monitoring control, access and identity control through biometric tags; monitoring and early detection of diseases resulting from work in extreme environments and more.
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About the author

Picture of Sandra Melo
Sandra Melo

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