80% of small and mid-sized companies prefer digital forms over paper forms

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There are many technological developments that any company can apply to reduce costs greatly, and digital forms are one of them. Its revolutionary technology increases their productivity significantly, reducing time wastage which costs companies big or small important amounts of money each year.
In fact, the business world already knows the advantages of the migration to the digital world. According to a Xerox survey, more than 80% of small/mid-size businesses (SMBs) want to cut paper out of the way they invoice, report financials, manage legal and human resource forms, and handle other time consuming processes.
The survey of more than 1,000 companies in the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany shows respondents expect to make the change during the next 12 months. Nearly half (46%) of respondents confirmed that a significant amount of time is wasted on paper-intensive processes and 6 out of 10 view this as having a major impact on their bottom line.
As these companies have noted, collecting the information first-hand from digital forms brings multiple benefits compared to using paper forms:

  • Switching from paper forms to digital forms allows company owners to focus  on the profits more, since they and their workers lose less time handling physical documents. In average, the use of digital forms represents saving 11 work hours per week, and saves company owners six hours per week.
  • Digital forms allow filling information from any location in real time, and the office receives it instantly.
  • They include multimedia files, the employee’s location, his signature and the date, and other data as well.
  • The completion of digital forms is more efficient: you’ll never run out of copies of electronic forms.
  • Digital forms also allow collecting a lot more information daily than paper forms do, and are much safer when it comes to collecting and processing it.
  • Filing digital forms is much faster than with paper forms.
  • Finding complete electronic forms for their review is significatively faster. Digital forms allow a real time follow up of the captured data, which afterwards the company can use to carry out surveys or statistics.
  • When it comes to digital forms, concerns over lost information, unreadable forms, or coffee stains, disappear.

Thanks to these clear advantages for employees and companies, the old times of forms piling up over the employees’ desks have passed. The digitalization of information flows centers now on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to increase the company’s productivity even further.
And the figures show this change of events. By the end of 2017, 23% of SMBs believe mobile devices will be completely integrated with their workflow processes. Today, 66% of SMBs include mobile printing in their mobility initiatives, while 27% plan to within the next year.
The main drivers include increasing productivity of mobile workers, meeting customers’ needs for remote information, and improved and faster customer service. And digital forms are on the center of it!

DataScope is a platform which allows various industries to streamline, organize and evaluate the work of their field staffs thanks to online forms which provide real time indicators 100% adaptable to any field.

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