Keys to perform a successful security audit

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One of the most important objectives of companies in terms of operations is to achieve the maximum level of efficiency. And to achieve this, it is essential to comply with an excellent security audit.

But how to reach that level? It is necessary to comply with a series of strict guidelines and, for that, security audits are a fundamental element. And although it may seem complicated, today’s technology allows them to be done very simply through digital tools that can also be customized according to the needs of each client. Here we will show you the benefits of using a specialized digital system to generate and manage the incident reports that successful companies need.

Verification checklist: The first step for a security audit

The safety audit can be defined as the process of gathering information that allows to evaluate the risks and dangers in a workplace. It is a systematic review, the objective of which is to determine if the measures related to the security of a company are carried out in accordance with the provisions and, if not, establish the guidelines to correct them.

For this, a verification checklist is required, which is a document that helps identify potential hazards or risks within a workplace, promoting a safe work environment and compliance with safety requirements that prevent incidents, injuries or deaths related to the job.

Who must perform a security audit?

Any company that has workers, deals with clients or suppliers, and is interested in avoiding costly penalties caused by security failures, must carry out security audits. The underlying idea is to have a reliable tool so that security is a constant factor and that you are never at risk due to shortcomings or omissions of any kind.

Tips to perform a security audit

Security audits can vary according to various factors and can also be customized, according to the specific requirements of each company. However, there are certain guidelines to follow, regardless of the type of industry in which they will be applied:

Use the correct tool

Each company performs different processes, has different workplaces, and must meet specific safety standards. For this reason, although there are proposals for security audits that can even be downloaded for free from the internet, it is considered a good practice to customize them so that they are adapted to each case to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness.

Verify compliance with procedures and standards

Simply establishing a security audit procedure is not enough. In order for it to meet its objectives, it must comply with relevant business standards and with any laws or regulations that exist.

Schedule the performance of security audits

How often is a security audit performed? In general, these types of audits are usually very thorough, which affects their frequency. Each company must find its optimal frequency, which can be annual, or every few months. Safety audits should also be performed when a new process, equipment, or tool is introduced into the existing system. This ensures that security practices are modified if necessary; preserving general safety in the workplace.

Carry out detailed documentation

A good security audit has to provide the information necessary to create effective control measures against risks and hazards. This requires a lot of detail when documenting findings during audits.

Keep data safe and secure

Both internal and external audits should keep the data stored securely and in an easily accessible place. With tailored digital solutions, companies have the additional benefit of data security through cloud storage, which can also have personalized access so that only authorized personnel can view audit data. .

Verification checklist: which information to include?

When it comes to identifying the risks that a workplace presents in terms of safety, it is necessary to create a verification checklist that considers each relevant aspect of the equipment or facilities that will be audited.

This list should highlight the risks associated with work processes, work environment, fire emergency procedures, storage and shipping guidelines, lighting, electricity and general cleaning, among others, always remembering that each company has specificities that allow customizing this type of documents according to the needs of each organization.

Here are sample questions you can include in a verification checklist:

Work processes

Each work process and procedure involves potential risks and critical situations that compromise safety. To get that information, you should consider questions like:

What is the ventilation that exists in the workspace?

How do you rate access to personal protection equipment?

How regularly is the maintenance of the company’s vehicles and machinery carried out?

Do you consider the demarcation of danger points adequate?

Personal protection equipment

Personal protection equipment serves to prevent various injuries. For this, workers must be trained on its use and know where to find it in case of emergencies. To know if this is true, we can ask the following:

What is personal protection equipment and how often is it worn?

Are areas where workers can only enter using their personal protection equipment clearly identified?

Is personal protection equipment selected according to the potential hazards of the area where it should be used?

Fire or earthquake threat

Some of the most feared and damaging accidents are fires and earthquakes. They demand a verification checklist that clearly addresses how to prevent or cope with them, as well as establishing efficient evacuation plans. For that, consider questions like these:

Do all workers know the evacuation plan in case of fire or earthquake?

Are fire extinguishers located in easy access points?

How often are fire or earthquake drills held?

Heights and elevation devices

Falls are one of the leading factors in workplace injuries. therefore the height of workplaces, ladders and lifting platforms must be rigorously inspected. Among the relevant questions for this item, we suggest:

What is the condition of stairs and handrails?

How often is maintenance done on the lifting platforms?

Are the weight restrictions on these platforms visible?

What operators are trained to handle lifting equipment?

Loading and unloading

When it comes to moving goods or supplies, it is important to analyze every detail to maintain as much security as possible. For that, it is advisable to know:

What are the conditions of the steps, ramps and raised platforms?

Are the elements necessary for the charging process working correctly?

Electrical installations and lighting

Everything related to electricity and lighting is essential for the safety of a workplace. To identify whether these aspects are meeting the requirements, ask questions such as:

Is the light in the workspaces enough to see clearly?

Does current lighting cause glare on workers or work surfaces?

Does the place have emergency lighting?

Tools and machinery

If the company uses heavy machinery, commercial vehicles or specific tools, it is essential to verify that everything works perfectly. To verify this, the following types of questions must be included:

Do workers have access to manuals for the use of equipment and machinery?

Is training carried out for the operation and care of said equipment?

Do electric tools meet industry safety standards?

Perform a detailed security audit using your phone or ipad with this template.

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About the author

Picture of Antonio Frieser
Antonio Frieser

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