More than just a landing page, Prefinery is a complete beta management launch platform that encourages social sharing and helps you learn from your users.

Marketing Automation Prefinery
More than just a landing page, Prefinery is a complete beta management launch platform that encourages social sharing and helps you learn from your users.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


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User Activated
Triggered when a user is activated.
User Applied
Triggered when a user applies.
User Created
Triggered when a new user is created, irrespective of their status.
User Invited
Triggered when a user is invited.
User Rejected
Triggered when a user is rejected.
User Resubscribed
Triggered when a user re-subscribes to receive emails.
User Suspended
Triggered when a user is suspended.
User Unconfirmed
Triggered when a user applies and is pending opt-in confirmation.
User Unsubscribed
Triggered when a user unsubscribes from receiving emails.
User Updated
Triggered when a user is updated or modified. For example, when they change status or their profile is modified.
Create User
Creates a new user.

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Con el Form Builder puede crear formularios perfectos. Es fácil, intuitivo y potente.

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