Schedule it - A software tool which helps you schedule your resources, teams, equipment, rooms, and projects all in one place.

Scheduling & Booking Schedule It
Schedule it - A software tool which helps you schedule your resources, teams, equipment, rooms, and projects all in one place.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


New Event OLD
Triggers when a new event is added to a specific resources schedule.
New Event/Task
Triggers when a new event or task is added to a resource you specify.
Deleted Event OLD
Triggers when an event is deleted from a specific resources schedule.
Deleted Event/Task
Triggers when an event or task is deleted from a resource you specify.
New Resource Added to an Event/Task
Triggers when a resource you specify is added to an event or task that was not tagged to it previously.
Updated Event OLD
Triggers when an event is updated in a specific resources schedule.
Updated Event/Task
Triggers when an event or task is updated in a resource you specify.
Get Events
Get events when triggered.
Get Groups
Get groups when triggered.
Get Resources
Get resources when triggered.
New Resource
Triggers when a new resource is added.
Deleted Resource
Triggers when a resource is deleted.
Updated Resource
Triggers when a resources details are updated.
Test Trigger
Tet trigger only.
Create Event
Creates a new event in the schedule of a resource you specify.
Create Resource
Creates a new resource in a group you specify.
Create Task
Creates a new task in the schedule of a resource you specify.
Delete Event/Task
Delete an existing event/task.
Update Event/Task
Updates an existing event/task.
Update Resource
Updates an existing resource.
Find Event/Task OLD
Find an existing event/task.
Find Event/Task
Find an existing event/task.
Find Resource OLD
Find an existing resource.
Find Resource
Find an existing resource.

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