Targetprocess is a Visual Management Software.

Project Management Targetprocess
Targetprocess is a Visual Management Software.
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Tasks are all similar in a certain way: they're all things that need done, with certain details and requirements. But projects, while technically just a group of tasks, can be wildly different. In fact, they can be different for each person on your team. A project manager may need to organize the broad deadlines of a project, while team leads may need to arrange the tasks into a workflow, and a programmer or designer need to see just the list of things they need to do.Targetprocess lets you manage projects with all of those scenarios and more in mind, while keeping your tasks the same. You can add as many tasks to your projects as you need, with Scrum-style task formats like story, bug, feature and more to designate the different types of tasks you need to work on. You can even list tasks as epics, groups of tasks that need done together, complete with relations to mark the order in which tasks need done.Read MoreWith that done, it's time to visualize your task workflow, and that's where Targetprocess' customizable boards come in. Each task is tied to a project, and the boards are just new ways to view the tasks—not where the tasks actually live. You can make new boards to show tasks in any way you want, add other boards to view other tasks, and even remove boards without it changing the task cards themselves at all.Boards can be organized in traditional kanban-style columns, a tabbed interface that shows tasks in one list with their full details open in a sidebar, a scrum list with tasks and their dependencies under them, or a portfolio that shows tasks on a Gantt-style timeline. You can then customize the board beyond that, with 5 different card sizes that can show various amounts of info, rules to highlight cards with different colors based on their contents, and core settings to the specific types of cards you want, show lists vertically or horizontally, and filter tasks in specific ways. Or, you can use a template to start out with a pre-made boards designed for a variety of different uses. There's even a zoom and calendar option, to show specific parts of a board or only see cards due in a specific time.With that, you can make any type of board you want, and have them show tasks from any one project or as many projects together as you want. Create customized Gantt charts to plan tasks schedule by dragging-and-dropping tasks, then organize the same tasks into workflows with kanban lists. Add or remove boards as you need—they're just ways to visualize everything you have to do. Then, you can save boards as templates, or export the cards they show in a CSV file.Then, for another quick overview, you can use the dashboard, which can show tasks from your projects and graphs about project progress in a customized layout. Or, you can search through all projects' tasks to find anything you want.Targetprocess is a unique way to visualize anything you're working on, so you can plan and execute your projects from the same app, without being stuck to the same layout for each stage of the project.


New Bug
Triggers when a new Bug is added.
New Bug Priority
New Bug Priority.
New Build
Triggers when a new Build is added by user.
New Comment
Triggers when a new Comment is added to some Entity.
New Feature
Triggers when new Feature is added by user.
New Feature Priority
New Feature Priority.
New Iteration
Triggers when a new Iteration is added.
New Project
New Project.
New Release
Triggers when a new Release is added.
New Request
Triggers when a new Request is added.
New Request Priority
New Request Priority.
New Request Type
New Request Type.
New Severity
New Severity.
New Task
Triggers when a new Task is added by user.
New Task Priority
New Task Priority.
New Team
New Team.
New Team Iteration
Triggers when a new Team Iteration is added.
New Time
Triggers when a new Time record is added to some Entity by User.
New User Story
Triggers when a new User Story is added.
New UserStory Priority
New UserStory Priority.
Add Requester to Request
Create new User-Requester and attach her to existing Request.
Change State
Change state of existing Entity. .
Create Bug
Creates a new Bug (defect, error, flaw, mistake, failure or fault in a computer program). Can relate to User Story. Can be assigned to Release and Iteration.
Create Build
Creates a Build entity in a project. Bugs and source code Revisions can be assigned to Build.
Create Comment
Appends a new Comment to existing Entity.
Create Feature
Create a Feature, a high-level requirement which contains User Stories.
Create Request
Creates a Request, which can represent idea, issue or question from users.
Create Task
Creates a Task, a small chunk of work, typically less than 16 hours. Task must relate to User Story.
Create Time
Create a Time record by User for specific Entity.
Create User Story
Creates a User Story, a statement of end user requirements in a couple of sentences. User Story can be assigned to Iteration or Release.
Delete Entity
Deletes an Entity, which follows selected criteria.

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