DialMyCalls provides calling and texting to customers around the world. We offer reporting for all broadcasts as well as a contact management system.

Phone & SMS DialMyCalls
DialMyCalls provides calling and texting to customers around the world. We offer reporting for all broadcasts as well as a contact management system.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Get Account
Get an Account from the API Key.
List Caller IDs
Returns a caller ID object
List Contacts
Retrieve a list of contacts.
List Groups
Retrieve a list of contact groups.
List Keywords
Retrieve a list of keywords.
List Recording IDs
Retrieve a list of recordings.
Send Phone Call
Sends an outgoing phone call.
Add A Contact
Add a new contact to your DialMyCalls account
Send Text Message
Sends an outgoing text message.

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