CYPHER LEARNING is a company that specializes in providing learning platforms like NEO and MATRIX LMS for organizations around the world.

Online Courses Cypher Learning
CYPHER LEARNING is a company that specializes in providing learning platforms like NEO and MATRIX LMS for organizations around the world.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


User Was Added to Portal
Triggers when a new user was added to the portal.
Badge Was Awarded to Learner
Triggers when a badge was awarded to a learner.
Certificate Was Awarded to Learner
Triggers when a certificate was awarded to a learner.
Get Courses
Get all courses to populate dynamic dropdowns.
Get Organizations
Get all organizations to populate dynamic dropdowns.
Order Payment Was Made
Trigger when a payment was made for an order through the e-commerce integration.
Subscription Payment Was Made
Triggers when a payment was made for an order through the e-commerce integration.
Learner Completed Course
Triggers when a learner completes a course.
Learner Enrolled in Course
Triggers when a learner enrolls in a course.
Learner Unenrolled From Course
Triggers when a learner is unenrolled from a course.
Add User, Then Enroll to Course (General)
Add a user to your portal and enroll them into the classes they purchased.
Add User, Then Enroll to Course (From Shopify)
Add a user to your portal and enroll them into the classes they purchased.
Add User, Then Enroll to Course (From WooCommerce)
Add a user to your portal and enroll them into the classes they purchased.
Add User
Adds a user to your CYPHER LEARNING portal.
Deactivate User
Archive a user.
Reactivate User
Reactivate an archived user.
Unenroll User From Course
Remove a user from the specified course/class.

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