Bazo, get more Business Contacts from your Site! BAZO is a tool that recognizes which company entered your website and what it did during its visit. BAZO allows you to create individual prompts for your visitors, encouraging them to leave their phone number or e-mail.

Marketing Bazo
Bazo, get more Business Contacts from your Site! BAZO is a tool that recognizes which company entered your website and what it did during its visit. BAZO allows you to create individual prompts for your visitors, encouraging them to leave their phone number or e-mail.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Export leads
Triggers when you will export leads frm
New lead created
Triggers when new lead created.
List of site popup callbacks
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of site popup emails
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
List of site popup senders
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app
Collect phone number from popup
Triggers when user ask you to callback on your popup.
Collect email from popup
Triggers when user left email on your popup.
New message from popup
Triggers when user left message on your popup.
List of Sites per user
This is a hidden trigger, and is used in a Dynamic Dropdown within this app

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