Sprout Studio is a studio management suite for professional wedding and portrait photographers.

Images & Design Sprout Studio
Sprout Studio is a studio management suite for professional wedding and portrait photographers.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Populates brands when creating a new lead.
Populates currencies.
New Booking
Triggers when a lead is booked into a shoot.
Lead Changes Status
Triggers when the status of a lead is changed.
Lead Statuss
Populates lead statuses
New Lead
Triggers when a new lead is created.
New Shoot
Triggers when a new shoot is created.
New Payment
Triggers when a payment is made.
Payment Schedules
Populates payment schedules when creating a new shoot.
Price Lists
Populates price lists when a new shoot.
Shoot Changes Status
Triggers when the status of a shoot changes.
Shoot Statuss
Populates shoot statuses
Populates tax.
Shoot Types
Populates shoot types when creating a new lead.
Create Lead
Creates a new lead.
Create Shoot
Creates a new shoot.

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