People delivers an HR administration solution for HR professionals working in small and mid-sized companies. People HR constructs insightful graphic reports, offers expert “follow me” guidance, and engages people on missions through high-impact tasks.

HR Talent & Recruitment People HR
People delivers an HR administration solution for HR professionals working in small and mid-sized companies. People HR constructs insightful graphic reports, offers expert “follow me” guidance, and engages people on missions through high-impact tasks.
Forms & Surveys DataScope
DataScope Forms is a mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline, manage field teams and share business insights.


Authentication trigger
Triggers when employee details are updated
New Leaver
Triggers when an employee is marked as leaving the company using the Leaver Wizard on the employee overview screen.
New Starter
Triggers when a new employee is created within People using the New Starter option on the employee list
Update Employee
Updates employee record

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